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WarioWare Gold
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Category 3DS
Sheets 336
Hits 851,957
Comments 47
WarioWare Gold
WarioWare Gold
100 Meter Dash
100 Meter Dash
amiibo Tap
amiibo Tap
Answering Machine
Answering Machine
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Bacon Patrol
Balloon Brigade
Balloon Brigade
Balloon Fight
Balloon Fight
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Bedside Manners
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Big Bang
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Bite Marks
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Cheap Thrill
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Cheeky Monkey
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Chicken Pinch
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The Claw
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Clawing for More
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Clog It
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Code Buster
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Coin Count
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County Fair
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Cover Up
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Donkey Kong Country
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Finish Line
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Fire Emblem: Awakening
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Flag Waver
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Fries With That?
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Fruit Fans
Game & Watch: Manhole
Game & Watch: Manhole
Getcha Groove On
Getcha Groove On
Goal in One
Goal in One
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Going Up
Gold Digger
Gold Digger
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Good Times
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Grape Aim
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Hand Me Down
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Happy Birthday
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Heat Wave
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Hookin' Up
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I Came, I Saw
I Came, I Saw
I'm Gonna Hurl
I'm Gonna Hurl
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Ice Climber
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Oh, Snap!
Oh, the Irony
Oh, the Irony
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On the Mark
On the Mark
One Hit Wonder
One Hit Wonder
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Picky Eater
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Pipe Puzzle
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Pit Stop
Plant Food
Plant Food
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Power Outage
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Pro Bowling
The Proud, the Fuse
The Proud, the Fuse
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Pumped Poser
Pumping Iron
Pumping Iron
Racing 112
Racing 112
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Rhythm Tweezers
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Ride the Wave
Right in the Eye
Right in the Eye
Right of Way
Right of Way
Road Wario
Road Wario
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Road Work
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Rocky Reunion
Roll Model
Roll Model
Round It Out
Round It Out
Rump Roast
Rump Roast
Salad Daze
Salad Daze
Scratch and Match
Scratch and Match
Secret Ingredient
Secret Ingredient
Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Sew Easy
Sew Easy
Shave the World
Shave the World
Shoot the Fruit
Shoot the Fruit
Short Fuse
Short Fuse
Sinking Feeling
Sinking Feeling
Skate Race
Skate Race
Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk
Sleepy Head
Sleepy Head
Sliding Doors
Sliding Doors
Sloppy Salon
Sloppy Salon
Snack Sucker
Snack Sucker
Sneaky Snatcher
Sneaky Snatcher
Sneeze, Please!
Sneeze, Please!
Sounds of Super Mario Bros.
Sounds of Super Mario Bros.
Space Passage
Space Passage
Spirit Spot
Spirit Spot
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Stalled Out
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Steel Chef
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Sticking Point
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Stop! Go!
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Strength in Numbers
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Strike a Chord
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Stripy Sea
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Stroke of Genius
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
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Super Mario Kart
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Super Mario Land
Super Mario Maker
Super Mario Maker
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
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Super Wario Bros.
Sure, You Can
Sure, You Can
Sweeps Week
Sweeps Week
Sync or Sink
Sync or Sink
Tearful Reunion
Tearful Reunion
Thanks a Latte
Thanks a Latte
Thar He Blows
Thar He Blows
Tip the Scale
Tip the Scale
Tiptoe Titan
Tiptoe Titan
Toilet Training
Toilet Training
Tomodachi Life
Tomodachi Life
Tooth Haste
Tooth Haste
Tooth Trouble
Tooth Trouble
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Top Notch
Top Off
Top Off
Tread Carefully
Tread Carefully
Tune Out
Tune Out
Twin Swimmers
Twin Swimmers
Up for Grabs
Up for Grabs
Very Attractive
Very Attractive
Vicious Veggies
Vicious Veggies
Walk This Way
Walk This Way
Wario Dance Company
Wario Dance Company
Wario Land 3
Wario Land 3
Wario Whirled
Wario Whirled
Wario's Adventure
Wario's Adventure
The Wave
The Wave
What Goes In...
What Goes In...
What's the Toadal?
What's the Toadal?
Wheel of Whack
Wheel of Whack
Where's Wario
Where's Wario
Wiggle Room
Wiggle Room
Wii Menu
Wii Menu
Word Up
Word Up
Worm Squirm
Worm Squirm
Wrecking All
Wrecking All
Wrecking Crew
Wrecking Crew
Write On, Dude
Write On, Dude
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Island
Bonus Coins
Sneaky Gamer
Console Genre Developers
3DS Other Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Sep 7, 2018, 8:24 AM
I wanna see Mona in every dress she tried
Aug 30, 2018, 9:25 AM
Mewtroid 2 XD
Aug 21, 2018, 9:04 AM
@Doc, Luigi
It's a specific file format, not a typo. I don't know the details myself but I guess it contains (part of?) the ROM.
Aug 20, 2018, 7:32 PM
@EpicLuigi S'what I was thinking, but they kept speaking in earnest it seemed....
Aug 20, 2018, 6:17 PM
@Doc von Schmeltwick i think its a typo.
Aug 18, 2018, 3:59 PM
Is a "romf" like a ROM file or something?
Aug 18, 2018, 11:27 AM
@Daytin13 for some reason my version didn't extract romfs.

@EpicLuigi that would go on Models Resource, but the models are rippable.
Aug 18, 2018, 8:33 AM
What about models?
Aug 15, 2018, 3:33 PM
It's here
Aug 14, 2018, 6:29 PM
Well, if it can extract ROMs, that doesn't mean a thing about romfs.
Aug 14, 2018, 4:42 PM
"hackingtool3ds also can't extract romfs"
I wonder how I extracted the romfs with hackingtool3ds then
Aug 13, 2018, 7:23 AM
where is the characters
Aug 9, 2018, 6:23 AM
the cutscenes are all prerendered in .moflex files, so no dice there. hackingtool3ds also can't extract romfs, so you need a tool like Citrus Juicer or something else to do that.
Aug 8, 2018, 5:30 PM
how are people ripping these sprites
i need the rom,i'll rip the cutscenes
Aug 7, 2018, 12:15 PM
Got it sorted out (thanks craftersshaft)
Aug 7, 2018, 9:34 AM
Ugh, I noticed the BFLIM extractor I was using has cut many of the sprites, which can be seen in some of the sheets I uploaded...
Aug 5, 2018, 8:55 PM
@MisterMike That’s a pity if they can’t be ripped. I didn’t think that they’d be pre-rendered since they’re so simplistic. Hopefully the sprites areactually on there, however unlikely it is. Thanks!
Aug 5, 2018, 8:57 AM
@seandwalsh I'm pretty sure those are part of the pre-rendered cutscenes, if it's anything like what Smooth Moves does with it's cutscenes, so they most likely can't be ripped.
Aug 4, 2018, 2:16 PM
Sorry, bit of a strange question to ask but do the sprites for characters who have not been ripped yet have lower bodies? I just noticed the Painter Wario sprites from Amiibo Sketch have no lower bodies, which makes sense as they don't appear on-screen in the game. I'm just wondering if this carries over to other characters as well, such as Ashley. Thanks!
Aug 2, 2018, 11:38 AM
So I ripped a few of the microgame sheets, I might do more later. (it's kind of a pain to rip these)
Aug 1, 2018, 1:16 PM
Err... The game is out already, I've seen copies in stores (from three different places; a toy store, the only retail console shop left and a famous catalogue store owned by a supermarket) not breaking any street date and going to get it pretty soon. Maybe even tomorrow.

Oh right... Didn't know the US gets it a week later.
Aug 1, 2018, 12:13 PM
Wow, already? The game isn't even out yet!
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