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Tiara (Paper Mario-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Other Friendly Characters
Submitter DMZapp
Size 724.04 KB (2198x1033)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 5,640
Comments 3

Tiara (Paper Mario-Style)
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Aug 1, 2018, 4:41 PM
I appreciate your reply, some people just dismiss me normally when I criticise. Anyways, I don't have much to say so... keep improvising! I'm sure you can fix the problems with the rotation and I hope to see your art improve. I also hope somebody will put it to good use.
Jul 29, 2018, 6:32 PM
I just like making Paper Mario sprites and sharing them as they're made. In addition, even if there are faults that escape the drafting stage, others can conduct further research and development on the final sprites to improve them. However, some of the lifelessness feeling may come from the detail some of these were requests at another site. The best explanation is I probably didn't "feel" as motivated as I thought with those sheets, in contrast to the ones I make on my own time. (Though I did do what I thought was my best with each character.) In addition, I'd been using screenshots of those main series Mario characters who've yet to receive official Paper sprites, so I may have been sticking too close to my references. It is sometimes difficult to judge the eye size and distance.

While I did use to rush sprites back when I drew them at a lower resolution, I promise I've previously slowed down and fixed up problematic lines & parts, as well as tweak curves and altered the approach. In fact, several of the sheets submitted here are much tidier remasters of ones that I legitly (yet regrettably) rushed in their original inception. As for the poses, I can see where that would collide with the frequent posting. Some of the stillness of the poses is due to the side-effects of rotating and resizing already colored parts too often (whiting the edges of a part, becoming noticeable the third or fourth time). I only noticed while creating a fanmade PM character I posted at the other site. I think it was starting with the Clubbas that I became more reserved in rotation.

Regarding the uniform/"factory-made" poses for different members of the same species (most evident with the Bonneters), I did that to maintain consistency. I thought that was a good thing. I also guarantee most of the time, when posing each character, I do ask myself "how would [so and such] emote in this way?"

Despite what I've said, I'll keep your criticisms (there's never anything wrong with voicing concerns) and your friends' in mind while finishing up elsewhere. Possibly find a fix for the rotation problem, too. Also, I'll try diversifying the emotions for different members of a species in the future, as well as different breakdowns/lead-ins for action poses where possible.
Jul 29, 2018, 2:05 PM
Okay, I'm probably the first one to step up and say this, but some friends and I were talking about this and... I feel like these are being mass produced too much, there are alot of these, like alot. I'm not an admin or something but I kind of see these as lifeless creations for some reason. Maybe their eyes are too separated or something, but I don't feel the Paper Mario charm that the nintendo sprites have. It's almost like these are made at a factory or something. Some of the animations look bland and as I said, the sprites you make feel lifeless. I know you can improve, maybe look back at these to learn what you're doing incorrectly, take your time on these, it's almost as if they're rushed.
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