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Death Adder (No Shield)
Category Arcade
Submitter Bad Moon
Size 198.89 KB (1100x1500)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 5,478
Comments 4

Death Adder (No Shield)
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Jan 19, 2022, 11:33 PM
Dolphman I'm a Game Developer, I needed to play and take screenshots of each frame and edit them in photoshop. It's not an easy job, but it's worth it.
Jan 15, 2022, 3:47 PM *
@erugurara Can't really understand what you're saying very well... If you're on about layers then arcade ripping doesn't really work like that in many cases (there are background layers though but many arcade games just had a foreground and a background if that). Sprite priorities are a thing which I think what you are on about but capturing those is tricky as the background might mix with the sprites or other sprites mix in. It's not like ripping from Capcom CPS games or Neo Geo games where you can use WinKawaks...

What Dolphman is saying is that ripping from Sega games in general is not easy. Mega Drive games tend to have a black background on their game and well many of the sprites use black too so you have to change the palette (or using a special emulator to make that colour pink) or is compressed in the ROM. For arcade games at least the well known games, Sega uses interleaving ROMs and you can't rip the sprites from the tile viewer in MAME unless you want the font so you would have to use something else. Not easy as you need to know the ROM names, the order (so you have to look into MAME's source code), use the Sega System 16 Sprite Viewer and have to give a palette unless you're ripping Out Run. Even then not every game is guaranteed to work. Doesn't apply to Master System/Game Gear games in most cases or games that used the System E hardware because there are tile viewers for the former and you can use something like YYCHR for the latter.
Jan 15, 2022, 11:43 AM
@dolphman, how so?, inst it comoon for sega to have they sprites well put in lanes so to have one move above the other, i mean having the shield be an image that is set in front of the the character sprites, i belive it was that way.
Jan 12, 2022, 5:34 PM
Kinda curious on how you managed to rip this because ripping Sega games with MAME is complicated. :O
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