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Space Harrier
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Space Harrier
Space Harrier
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Sep 13, 2022, 7:23 PM

Sep 13, 2022, 1:08 PM
The graphics for System Sega games are almost entirely compressed and can't be viewed in MAME
Sep 13, 2022, 4:55 AM
@Yawackhary. The sprite viewer is how I ripped these. The program seems to only read sprites and nothing else. (Cinematics and level art) When browsing Altered Beast. Moldy Snail (Third level boss) strangely doesn't appear in the data at all, so he must be tileset data or something.
I really should get to ripping the Harrier himself and environmental props effects and Uriah. (There's also unused objects in the data with no confirmed palettes)
Sep 13, 2022, 3:55 AM
@MegaDrive2000 Despite being a classic (Space Harrier will always be a classic to me), the old Sega arcade games are a bit harder to rip. The sprites don't show up in MAME that is the go to emulator for ripping arcade games.

So you only have two options, both not the easiest to use due to requiring knowing command line. One is find a ROM interleaver and merge some ROMs so the graphics show up in TileGGD (this is what I think Ragey did) and the second is a little bit easier where you get the list of ROM addresses from MAME via their source code then you run Sega System 16 Sprite Viewer. Even then unless it is Out Run, you have to recolor the sprites but just checked and there's an update that supports some palettes for the more popular games. Due to the palettes, it is only more recently that Space Harrier can be ripped with the correct palette.
Sep 12, 2022, 6:40 PM
Im surprised no one has been ripping the sprites from this game until recently.
Sep 9, 2022, 6:43 AM
oh hell yea!
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