Posted | By | On | Comment |
Jul 6, 2014, 1:01 AM | E-Man | Sheet: Bugs Bunny |
Ian, would it be possible for you to stop making requests like this in the sprite comments? If you really want Quirby64 to rip more of these, how about you PM him about it instead? |
Jul 6, 2014, 12:30 AM | Dazz | Update: Welcome to a Brand New Spriter's Resource! |
I'll address your issues: 1) We actually increased the space available for content. Before, where we were unaware of the width of the user's monitor, we had to accommodate to a small resolution and blindly guess how content might appear. As such we couldn't make things like sheets a larger width, as they wouldn't display properly for a lot of people with the right column being there. Removing that column gave us extra space we can utilize. The change to a fixed width is not only to improve readability on larger monitors (Try viewing the flexible width on a huge monitor, and you'll see that everything in a massive line is a real pain to read) but also to follow the trend in the market, and make the site more comfortable for new viewers who are used to a fixed width layout. 2) I can understand your issue here, but we simply couldn't see any decent way of including this information without knocking the sheet out of view from the first page load. We believe that with the information presented on the left, and in the information box, it is only a matter of getting used to the new design. As I said, I appreciate your issues with the layout, but simply give it a chance. We've been running it in the background for some time, and while it was a little odd at first, we've grown to find that it is much more intuitive, and gives a greater deal of ease when navigating. |
Jul 5, 2014, 11:27 PM | Kroki | Update: Welcome to a Brand New Spriter's Resource! |
I have two huge problems with this new design: 1) the site is now very small, there is a lot of wasted space on the sides, this is a problem since there is a large number of (now big) icons to display, and many sheets are larger than the site. 2) The path to a sheet is not so clear anymore, it is very handy to see at the top of the page the path: Console / Letter / Game / Sheet, now you have to search these information on various sides of the page. I hope you will take this in consideration, it really affects the browsing comfort. :) |
Jul 5, 2014, 8:29 PM | LooneyTunerIan | Sheet: Bugs Bunny |
Can you get more? :) |
Jul 5, 2014, 8:29 PM | Superjustinbros | Update: Welcome to a Brand New Spriter's Resource! |
Loving this update guys! It was great to take part in it. :) |
Jul 4, 2014, 9:43 PM | redblueyellow | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Ian, ShadeDBZ makes a good point. The reason that I started out ripping sprites was because I had an interest in the Pokemon series (PMD). I had no prior knowledge of how to rip sprites, let alone about emulators and such. I literally started out with searching "how to rip sprites from DS games" on Google and taught myself. Think about how you learned how to rip from Flash Games. If you have the passion towards these games, I see no reason not to search for a ripping tutorial and giving it a go. It is not difficult. It IS fun. The great thing about taking the time to learn how to rip, is it allows you to take action. If you find a game that you enjoy that you can't find the sprites for online, then you can try to get the sprites yourself. |
Jul 4, 2014, 8:05 PM | Shade | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Because, obviously, we were all born with the knowledge to rip from "console-based" games. We didn't have to learn how to do it or anything. Also, being a "spriter" has nothing to do with whether or not you can rip/extract sprites from a particular game, you don't seem to be using the term correctly. And with an attitude like that, expect many more neg-reps. |
Jul 4, 2014, 6:01 PM | LooneyTunerIan | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
@ShadeDBZ Just because I can only rip from Flash Games and Cartoons with a decomplier, doesn't mean I can rip from console-based video games. I'm not a spriter if I can only rip from Flash-based games. Call me a Flasher. @Dazz And just because I make Looney Tunes-related requests and that everybody neg-reps me, I'd much rather have negative reputation points rather than have any at all. |
Jul 4, 2014, 5:46 PM | Jakspriter | Sheet: #328 Trapinch |
Oh awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Flygon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jul 4, 2014, 8:30 AM | arringtastic92 | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Hey Dazz! Wassup? |
Jul 4, 2014, 8:13 AM | Shade | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
What's the big deal, anyway? If you really did care enough, you'd learn how to rip from every Looney Tune game your heart desires. |
Jul 4, 2014, 7:55 AM | Quirby64 | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
No need to be too sarcastic, Ian :P Soon enough someone'll rip something from a LT game. Maybe idunno |
Jul 4, 2014, 6:34 AM | LooneyTunerIan | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
I didn't make a hundred requests. The Looney Tunes Gang only had about a few Consoled Video Games. But now that I've got a Bad Reputation (-2), I can fully admit that they may never be accepted. In fact, I may never see another Looney Tunes-related Sprite Addition Update again. |
Jul 4, 2014, 3:40 AM | Dazz | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
You're only saying that because people told you to stop making hundreds of requests... |
Jul 3, 2014, 7:52 PM | LooneyTunerIan | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
The Spriter's Resource ain't what it used it be nowadays. :/ |
Jul 3, 2014, 5:22 AM | Billybob | Sheet: Baby Mario (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga-Style) |
cool |
Jul 1, 2014, 9:56 AM | arringtastic92 | Sheet: Rogeunja |
Don't block me, Cenobite 53. |
Jul 1, 2014, 1:53 AM | arringtastic92 | Sheet: Simon Belmont |
SmithyGCN, what about Vagrant Fighter FX for X68000? The 12 fighters and 1 boss character, 13 backgrounds, miscellaneous, 13 portraits, and endings. Send me an email please. My email address is |
Jul 1, 2014, 1:47 AM | arringtastic92 | Sheet: Tiria |
Excuse me, Belial. What about portraits and endings from Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders FX? And the boss character, Jail Lance. |
Jun 30, 2014, 12:33 PM | LinusHomsar206 | Sheet: Sakura's Background |
grounded |
Jun 28, 2014, 11:40 AM | WriggleNightBug | Sheet: Shantae Art |
shantae is worse than risky in terms of sexiness. |
Jun 27, 2014, 5:31 AM | sonicfan00 | Sheet: Dr. Eggman (Sonic 1-Style, Expanded) |
I will do eggmobile from S3! |
Jun 24, 2014, 4:32 PM | ultrakirbyfan100 | Sheet: Tengu |
early beta design for tenguman in RM8FC |
Jun 24, 2014, 11:52 AM | Giddy Jones | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Whoa niice! |
Jun 23, 2014, 3:42 PM | Ton | Sheet: Sky Pirate's Den |
This is awesome! I've wanted this for years! |
Jun 23, 2014, 11:07 AM | Ton | Sheet: Spot |
Hmm, I don't remember these. I may have to check on them. |
Jun 23, 2014, 6:19 AM | Quirby64 | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Nice update! Can't wait for da new icons :P ..Though why am I usually the only guy in Game Boy ;-; SO LONELY-*shot* |
Jun 22, 2014, 10:22 PM | Dazz | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Yup! |
Jun 22, 2014, 3:41 PM | Giddy Jones | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
New icons for individual sprite sheets? |
Jun 21, 2014, 8:49 PM | Random Talking Bush | Sheet: Mighty (Sonic Battle-Style) |
Don't you mean Sonic Battle? Sonic Chronicles had 3D models, not sprites. |
Jun 21, 2014, 8:29 PM | redblueyellow | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
We're over halfway there! :D |
Jun 21, 2014, 7:57 PM | puggsoy | Update: Still Hard At Work! |
Awesome! Hope you guys can figure out a good system for submitting with the new icons soon, I've been putting off ripping anything until that happens! And of course, nice update! |
Jun 21, 2014, 6:52 AM | CutieTheCat666 | Sheet: Super Boy |
Now Super Boy 4 Really Ripped-Off Super Mario Bros & Super Mario World... |
Jun 20, 2014, 5:39 PM | Jakspriter | Sheet: Mighty (Sonic Battle-Style) |
That looks like its from sonic chronicles. I really wish they included Mighty in that game. |
Jun 19, 2014, 12:29 PM | Mystie | Sheet: Rozalin |
Rozalin is waaaaaaaaaaay better than Etna! |
Jun 18, 2014, 4:13 AM | Yangfly Master | Sheet: Warrior |
thanks for ripping bro! |
Jun 17, 2014, 10:23 AM | MishuK9 | Sheet: Ogre |
>Not Shrek 0/10 |
Jun 15, 2014, 6:00 AM | Cavery210 | Sheet: Inside Zone Eater |
I think this should be called Zone Eater (Interior) |
Jun 14, 2014, 11:16 PM | Shell Master Tortwag | Sheet: #571 Zoroark |
Oh, wow, now THAT'S quality! Darn, ever considered making a Smeargle Mario-style sheet? Would be amazing, he's one of my favs. Anyways, suggestions aside, this awesome, I especially like how well the fur was made. Good job man! |
Jun 14, 2014, 5:22 AM | Cavery210 | Sheet: Passenger Car |
Rename sheet Annie and Clarabel. That's their name in the show. |
Jun 13, 2014, 1:10 AM | Jaden1291 the Toad | Update: Still Alive |
Whoa, today is Random Talking Bush's birthday. Happy birthday! |
Jun 10, 2014, 10:15 AM | Cavery210 | Sheet: Knuckles the Echidna |
The Sonic and Knuckles splash is from Sonic 3. And also, both were originally 1 game. Could you merge the Sonic 3 page and Sonic and Knuckles page to Sonic 3 and Knuckles? |
Jun 9, 2014, 9:17 AM | Giddy Jones | Update: Still Alive |
Great update, good to see more Arcanum sprites. |
Jun 9, 2014, 9:11 AM | Cavery210 | Sheet: Jadeite |
Since Viz has the rights to Sailor Moon now, rename this sheet to Jadeite. |
Jun 8, 2014, 10:47 AM | SmithyGCN | Sheet: Murder Wall |
If I'm not mistaken, this was actually called the "Murder Wall". |
Jun 8, 2014, 4:07 AM | ittan-momen | Sheet: Mario |
I think my favorite part is those AMAZING kirby styled power up logos |
Jun 8, 2014, 1:26 AM | Cavery210 | Sheet: Chaos Shrine (Present) |
Rename sheet Present Chaos Shrine |
Jun 7, 2014, 8:26 PM | Mit | Sheet: Mario |
I can, though the question is whether or not I will. I based them off of Kirby Super Star's map sprites, which only used front poses. it's not too far out of the question though. |
Jun 7, 2014, 3:53 PM | CHAOS_FANTAZY | Update: Still Alive |
@ Dazz: I see. I would question why the submission forums are still there, then, but nonetheless I shall direct my submissions to the new location. @ RTB: I would like to apologize if I seem impatient, but my previous two submissions were always uploaded to the main site within the week, so I was somewhat puzzled. |
Jun 7, 2014, 2:54 PM | Shade | Update: Still Alive |
I'm making a note here "HUGE SUCCESS" |