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Deltarune Customs
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Category Custom / Edited
Sheets 108
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Comments 53
Deltarune Customs
Deltarune Customs
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Custom / Edited Customs Developer coming soon!
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Mar 15, 2025, 1:22 PM
@SFYTAG Agreed. Hope people make more sprites of him, he's one of my favorites!
Jan 25, 2025, 5:14 AM
Chaos King doesn't get enough love
Jan 17, 2025, 7:34 PM
Since October of last year I sent my sprite sheet, and it is still pending, I will remain patient with this.
Sep 17, 2024, 8:20 PM
I hope the stuff that’s pending gets added, they all seem so cool!
Aug 1, 2024, 7:33 PM
What the- like a billion new leaves appeared out of nowhere!!
Jul 21, 2024, 10:12 PM
guys, you need to chill, this place WILL expand in some years, ok? good bye.
Jun 16, 2024, 12:04 PM
man i sounded fucking obnoxious back then
Apr 16, 2024, 9:07 AM
I would complain some more about the lack of new sheets, but the fact that there are (as of writing this) 88 sheets here is amazing, as some more popular games don't even have this, so thanks mods!
Feb 14, 2024, 10:26 AM *
No offense to the uninformed but if you can't see that hundreds of submissions are being approved per week it means there's no hope for you. People keep throwing around "get more staff" as if it's some magic bullet we've never considered but there's a reason the staff is as small as it is - there just aren't more people who are both qualified and willing to take on the role. Nobody is ignoring anything. The oldest Deltarune custom is from August. The oldest submissions in the queue are from April. Submissions to this page will be reviewed when they're reviewed. Complaining about it isn't going to help anyone.

Edit: I should add that at the time of this comment, there are only 11 pending Deltarune Customs submissions - less than 1% of the total number of pending submissions.
Feb 14, 2024, 7:45 AM
No offense to the moderators but if it takes 7 months to accept ONE sheet perhaps it means that its time to expand. Theres not a lot of proof that they're ignoring the Deltarune page but its clear it isn't a main priority despite the amount of submissions.
Dec 30, 2023, 6:18 PM
@Dinoshi 64 A month? Try almost 7.
Dec 17, 2023, 4:25 AM
If my Kris sprite sheet gets accepted, I'll make dark world Kris too.
Nov 20, 2023, 4:08 PM
@lucario2023 i hope so too. ive noticed some of the older sheets people have sent are still pending :(
Nov 18, 2023, 4:58 AM
I've submitted a sprite sheet of Kris in the Undertale Overworld style, hopefully it gets accepted
Nov 6, 2023, 5:32 PM *
@Limbo_Kimbo Yeah I agree with that, in general I feel we should have more character sections.

Edit: Like instead of putting everyone in the same section, why not organize it like having a lightners section and darkners section, or a more standard npcs section and enemies section, would make more sense to me.
Sep 25, 2022, 4:27 PM
King, Lancer, and Queen should all be grouped into their own section. The little spade family
Jul 21, 2022, 5:56 AM
Since Lancer has 2 sheets, and King has 1, does that mean Lancer and King should get their own section together? Berdly has 3 sheets, and so does Noelle.
Jul 9, 2022, 11:02 AM
this is so very [[BIG]]
Jun 27, 2022, 6:08 PM
Why do I just imagine some Spamton dialogue to be "AYO GET THE ((BIG BUP)) NOT THE ((BIG BIP))!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 17, 2022, 3:38 PM
Man, Deltarune's getting a lot of customs. This is crazy.
Apr 7, 2022, 5:32 PM
@Icefinity I submitted a 3rd sheet for Noelle and suggested sections for Noelle and Berdly on that basis
Mar 28, 2022, 12:16 PM
Isn't it funny how Berdly and Noelle both have more sheets than susie, but susie has her own category and neither Noelle or Berdly do.
Dec 17, 2021, 9:19 PM
@tent2 It's "This is also not the place to make requests; visit the forum to see how to do so"
Nov 23, 2021, 10:11 PM
damn, nothing of seam
Nov 3, 2021, 7:36 PM
@Gadget103 Yeah uh, I do not mean to be a vibe breaker, but the comment box says "This is not the place to make requests, but we have a section in the forums for that." or something like that.
I'm just saying because I saw a request comment get deleted before.
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