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Dragon Ball Customs
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Category Custom / Edited
Sheets 71
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Comments 15
Dragon Ball Customs
Dragon Ball Customs
Future Trunks
Dragon Ball Characters
Dragon Ball Z Characters
Android 16 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 16 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 17 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 17 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 18 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 18 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 19 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 19 (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 20 / Dr. Gero (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 20 / Dr. Gero (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 20 / Dr. Gero (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Android 20 / Dr. Gero (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Bardock (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Bardock (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Bardock (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Bardock (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Bardock Mugshots
Bardock Mugshots
Burter (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Burter (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Buu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Buu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Captain Ginyu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Captain Ginyu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Cell (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Cell (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Chiaotzu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Chiaotzu (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Cooler (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Cooler (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Frieza (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Frieza (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Gogeta (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Gogeta (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Goten (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Goten (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Gotenks (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Gotenks (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Great Ape (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Great Ape (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Guldo (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Guldo (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Jeice (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Jeice (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
King Cold (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
King Cold (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Nappa (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Nappa (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Piccolo (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Piccolo (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Pikkon (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Pikkon (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Raditz (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Raditz (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Raditz (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Raditz (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Raditz (LSW-Style)
Raditz (LSW-Style)
Recoome (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Recoome (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Tien (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Tien (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Trunks (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Trunks (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Turles (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Turles (Legend of the Super Saiyan-Style)
Turles (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Turles (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Vegeta (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Vegeta (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Vegito (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Vegito (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Yamcha (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Yamcha (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Zarbon (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Zarbon (Legendary Super Warriors-Style)
Dragon Ball GT Characters
Dragon Ball Super Characters
Console Genre Developers
Custom / Edited Customs Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Dec 20, 2022, 6:10 PM
Technically what would be considered Ultra Instinct Shaggy was used as a Warner Bros credits gag in one the recent Mortal Kombat movies.
Dec 20, 2022, 2:44 PM
@ValisEmma It is indeed a meme but Warner Bros sort of did their own take in that MultiVersus game that came out. Not the first time the company referenced memes in recent times.

Probably the only way "Ultra Instinct Shaggy" would be accepted is if it's based on the MultiVersus version and only that version (it would have to be called Shaggy (MultiVersus)). Even then it would probably be either in the MultiVersus or Scooby Doo customs section.
Dec 20, 2022, 1:59 PM
isnt ultra instinct shaggy just a meme and would be rejected if someone made a sheet of it anyway
Dec 20, 2022, 12:31 PM
I feel like it should go to customs for scooby doo
Oct 7, 2022, 2:55 PM
We don't accept submissions of non-canon characters, so it would be rejected if it were to be submitted. Nothing stopping you from posting it on the forums, though.
Oct 7, 2022, 2:44 PM
Would Ultra Instinct Shaggy go here or somewhere else?
Jun 22, 2021, 7:22 PM
So many new customs today!
Dec 11, 2017, 7:46 AM
last time i checked vegito blue was here..
did he get like deleted or something?
May 6, 2017, 10:35 PM
I wonder if Supersonic-Warriors-like sprites of Beerus, Whis and Golden Frieza will be made...
Feb 27, 2017, 5:24 PM
Someone get this http://lukasahl1.deviantart.com/art/Vegito-Blue-Sheet-663815172
Dec 27, 2016, 5:56 AM
55robot55, Go to Qsab101's DeviantArt- he's working on a Goku Black and then go to LukasAhls1's DeviantArt- he's working on a Beebus.
Dec 19, 2016, 12:25 PM
He was an adult at the end of dragonball, since there was a time skip for the piccilo arc. The question is whether the sections should be based on when they debuted or when that interation of them was most prominant, since many characters have apeeared with unchanged apearances in multiple series.
Dec 16, 2016, 2:12 PM
Oh... It's been long since I've watched the original dragonball.
Aug 9, 2016, 11:06 AM
But he's an adult in this sheet.
Aug 9, 2016, 9:57 AM
Err... Krillin's in the wrong section of this part of town. He debuted in the original Dragon Ball series alongside Goku as a sparring partner for the upcoming tournament towards the end of the original series. Bet not many people know that, eh?
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