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Category Custom / Edited
Submitter SmithyGCN
Size 16.03 KB (193x756)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 5,458
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Nov 14, 2020, 2:17 AM
The shields from Final Fantasy each with different effects though most just had different defense stats. They functioned similarly to SotN's shield items in that you equipped them and then held a button to activate them. They could get knocked away with a hard enough attack. The Chocobo Shield would lose feathers when it was collided against. When paired with the summoner's rod, it would summon a Chocobo for you to ride around making getting around and away from enemies easier. Diamond Shield reflected lasers back at the enemies. Dragon shield would randomly summon Bahamut when paired with the summoner's rod. Flame Shield did flame damage on contact. Genji Shield turned projectiles into money. Golden Shield doubled the amount of money you picked up from enemies. Onion Shield turned you into an Onion Knight. Ice Shield froze enemies on contact.
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