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Enemies (Mega Man 11, NES-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Enemies & Bosses
Submitter MarshadowSlime
Size 80.17 KB (737x936)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 9,131
Comments 6

Enemies (Mega Man 11, NES-Style)
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Oct 29, 2023, 8:07 AM
man that poyorn and boyorn thing looks like spike ball nabbit
Oct 24, 2020, 4:10 PM *
@doomjet He doesn't have to rip the Mega Man 11 and 10 weapons from Mega Man Maker, I'm still looking for the Mega Man 11 ones. They're more complicated to find in the data than you think they are. MarshadowSlime can rip them if he wants to. If you want them that bad, why don't you rip them yourself?
Oct 24, 2020, 3:10 PM
Nice Work! But you forgot K-Drone, Propeller Eye T, MM11 Sniper Joe, Eye Ice, Snow Robbit and Wild Robbit, Missile Cone, Boyorn and Poyorn and Dread Spark and I'm Still waiting for you to Rip the MM11 and MM10 Weapons from MEGAMAN Maker.
Oct 24, 2020, 12:05 PM
Nice work. A few things I'd mention is that Press don's fist is a little small, maybe you can make it bigger, Tosanaizer V might need some big hand sprites for when he pushes the player back, and Shield Attacker and Shield Attacker M don't have stun frames for when Mega Man's charged M-Buster shot hits them. But they're still decent sprites, and I like these better than the removed sprites for Mega Man 11's enemies.
Oct 24, 2020, 9:09 AM
Nice sheet, but I think the Shield Attacker's turning animations should be redone. They look kinda sloppy right now.
Oct 24, 2020, 7:42 AM
Some of the enemies seem...off. Especially the Arc Weldy and Shield Attackers. Not to mention that Press Don's fist is too small.
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