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Plants VS. Zombies Customs


Bonk Choy (Plants vs. Zombies DS-Style)

Bowling Bulbs (Plants vs. Zombies DS-Style)

Cabbagepult (PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Chomper (Early Design, PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Commando Pea

Ice Cabbage-Pult (PvZ DS-Style)

Iceberg Lettuce (Plants vs. Zombies DS-Style)

Imitater (Pokemon Gen I-Style)

Kernelpult (PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Magnet-shroom (Earlier Design, PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Miscellaneous Plants (Super Mario Bros. 3 NES-Style)

Pea Plants (PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Pea Plants (PvZ2, DS-Style)




Peashooter (NES Style)

Peashooter (Plants VS. Zombies 2, DS Style)

Peashooter (Sonic 3-Style)

Plants (NES Style)

Potato Mine

Potato Mine (Early Design, PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Puff-Shroom (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon-Style)

PvZ1 Mushrooms (NES-style)

Squash (Pokémon R/G/B/Y-Style)

Sunflower (PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Wall-nut (PvZ1 Prototype-Style)

Wall-Nut, Tall-Nut, Pumpkin & Garlic (NES Style)



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