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Pokémon Customs
Uploads to this Game RSS Feed
Category Custom / Edited
Sheets 440
Hits 2,322,769
Comments 33
Pokémon Customs
Pokémon Customs
Third Generation
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#252 Treecko
#253 Grovyle
#253 Grovyle
#255 Torchic
#255 Torchic
#255 Torchic
#255 Torchic
#256 Combusken
#256 Combusken
#257 Blaziken
#257 Blaziken
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#258 Mudkip
#259 Marshtomp
#259 Marshtomp
#261 Poochyena
#261 Poochyena
#263 Zigzagoon
#263 Zigzagoon
#265 Wurmple
#265 Wurmple
#266 Silcoon
#266 Silcoon
#268 Cascoon
#268 Cascoon
#270 Lotad
#270 Lotad
#270 Lotad
#270 Lotad
#271 Lombre
#271 Lombre
#272 Ludicolo
#272 Ludicolo
#273 Seedot
#273 Seedot
#273 Seedot
#273 Seedot
#273 Seedot (Tales of the World-Style)
#273 Seedot (Tales of the World-Style)
#276 Taillow
#276 Taillow
#278 Wingull
#278 Wingull
#280 Ralts
#280 Ralts
#280 Ralts
#280 Ralts
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#282 Gardevoir
#283 Surskit
#283 Surskit
#283 Surskit
#283 Surskit
#284 Masquerain
#284 Masquerain
#285 Shroomish
#285 Shroomish
#285 Shroomish (Super Mario Bros. NES-Style)
#285 Shroomish (Super Mario Bros. NES-Style)
#286 Breloom
#286 Breloom
#287 Slakoth
#287 Slakoth
#290 Nincada
#290 Nincada
#291 Ninjask
#291 Ninjask
#292 Shedinja
#292 Shedinja
#293 Whismur
#293 Whismur
#298 Azurill
#298 Azurill
#298 Azurill
#298 Azurill
#299 Nosepass
#299 Nosepass
#300 Skitty
#300 Skitty
#301 Delcatty
#301 Delcatty
#302 Sableye
#302 Sableye
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#304 Aron
#306 Aggron
#306 Aggron
#311 Plusle
#311 Plusle
#312 Minun
#312 Minun
#313 Volbeat
#313 Volbeat
#314 Illumise
#314 Illumise
#315 Roselia (Female)
#315 Roselia (Female)
#315 Roselia (Male)
#315 Roselia (Male)
#316 Gulpin
#316 Gulpin
#318 Carvanha
#318 Carvanha
#319 Sharpedo
#319 Sharpedo
#320 Wailmer
#320 Wailmer
#320 Wailmer
#320 Wailmer
#322 Numel
#322 Numel
#325 Spoink
#325 Spoink
#327 Spinda
#327 Spinda
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#328 Trapinch
#330 Flygon
#330 Flygon
#331 Cacnea
#331 Cacnea
#333 Swablu
#333 Swablu
#335 Zangoose
#335 Zangoose
#335 Zangoose
#335 Zangoose
#337 Lunatone
#337 Lunatone
#338 Solrock
#338 Solrock
#339 Barboach
#339 Barboach
#345 Lileep
#345 Lileep
#349 Feebas
#349 Feebas
#351 Castform
#351 Castform
#353 Shuppet
#353 Shuppet
#354 Banette
#354 Banette
#354 Banette
#354 Banette
#355 Duskull
#355 Duskull
#355 Duskull
#355 Duskull
#356 Dusclops
#356 Dusclops
#357 Tropius
#357 Tropius
#358 Chimecho
#358 Chimecho
#359 Absol
#359 Absol
#360 Wynaut
#360 Wynaut
#360 Wynaut
#360 Wynaut
#361 Snorunt
#361 Snorunt
#362 Glalie
#362 Glalie
#363 Spheal
#363 Spheal
#363 Spheal (G/S/C-Style)
#363 Spheal (G/S/C-Style)
#366 Clamperl
#366 Clamperl
#369 Relicanth (Expanded)
#369 Relicanth (Expanded)
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#370 Luvdisc
#371 Bagon
#371 Bagon
#372 Shelgon
#372 Shelgon
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#374 Beldum
#375 Metang
#375 Metang
#376 Metagross
#376 Metagross
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#378 Regice
#380 Latias
#380 Latias
#382 Kyogre (Undertale Battle-Style)
#382 Kyogre (Undertale Battle-Style)
#383 Groudon (Undertale Battle-Style)
#383 Groudon (Undertale Battle-Style)
#384 Rayquaza
#384 Rayquaza
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi
#385 Jirachi (Tales of the World-Style)
#385 Jirachi (Tales of the World-Style)
#385 Jirachi (Tales of the World-Style)
#385 Jirachi (Tales of the World-Style)
#386 Deoxys
#386 Deoxys
#386 Deoxys (Attack Forme)
#386 Deoxys (Attack Forme)
#386 Deoxys (Normal Forme)
#386 Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Hoenn Pokémon (R/B/Y-Style)
Hoenn Pokémon (R/B/Y-Style)
Hoenn Pokémon (R/G/B-Style)
Hoenn Pokémon (R/G/B-Style)
Michael (G/S/C-Style)
Michael (G/S/C-Style)
Shelly (Overworld, R/S-Style)
Shelly (Overworld, R/S-Style)
Wes (G/S/C-Style)
Wes (G/S/C-Style)
Fourth Generation
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#387 Turtwig
#388 Grotle
#388 Grotle
#388 Grotle
#388 Grotle
#390 Chimchar
#390 Chimchar
#390 Chimchar
#390 Chimchar
#391 Monferno
#391 Monferno
#391 Monferno
#391 Monferno
#393 Piplup
#393 Piplup
#394 Prinplup
#394 Prinplup
#396 Starly
#396 Starly
#396 Starly
#396 Starly
#396 Starly
#396 Starly
#399 Bidoof
#399 Bidoof
#401 Kricketot
#401 Kricketot
#403 Shinx
#403 Shinx
#406 Budew
#406 Budew
#406 Budew
#406 Budew
#408 Cranidos
#408 Cranidos
#410 Shieldon
#410 Shieldon
#412 Burmy
#412 Burmy
#413 Wormadam
#413 Wormadam
#414 Mothim
#414 Mothim
#415 Combee
#415 Combee
#415 Combee
#415 Combee
#417 Pachirisu
#417 Pachirisu
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#422 Shellos
#422 Shellos
#424 Ambipom
#424 Ambipom
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon
#425 Drifloon (OMORI-Style)
#425 Drifloon (OMORI-Style)
#425 Drifloon (Paper Mario N64-Style)
#425 Drifloon (Paper Mario N64-Style)
#426 Drifblim
#426 Drifblim
#426 Drifblim
#426 Drifblim
#427 Buneary
#427 Buneary
#429 Mismagius
#429 Mismagius
#430 Honchkrow
#430 Honchkrow
#433 Chingling
#433 Chingling
#433 Chingling
#433 Chingling
#436 Bronzor
#436 Bronzor
#436 Bronzor
#436 Bronzor
#438 Bonsly
#438 Bonsly
#439 Mime Jr.
#439 Mime Jr.
#440 Happiny
#440 Happiny
#440 Happiny
#440 Happiny
#440 Happiny
#440 Happiny
#441 Chatot
#441 Chatot
#442 Spiritomb
#442 Spiritomb
#443 Gible
#443 Gible
#443 Gible
#443 Gible
#446 Munchlax
#446 Munchlax
#446 Munchlax
#446 Munchlax
#447 Riolu
#447 Riolu
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#448 Lucario
#451 Skorupi
#451 Skorupi
#453 Croagunk
#453 Croagunk
#453 Croagunk
#453 Croagunk
#456 Finneon
#456 Finneon
#458 Mantyke
#458 Mantyke
#459 Snover
#459 Snover
#462 Magnezone
#462 Magnezone
#462 Magnezone
#462 Magnezone
#463 Lickilicky
#463 Lickilicky
#468 Togekiss
#468 Togekiss
#468 Togekiss
#468 Togekiss
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#471 Glaceon
#471 Glaceon
#471 Glaceon
#471 Glaceon
#472 Gliscor
#472 Gliscor
#474 Porygon-Z
#474 Porygon-Z
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#478 Froslass
#478 Froslass
#479 Rotom
#479 Rotom
#480 Uxie
#480 Uxie
#480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, & #482 Azelf (Tales of the World-Style)
#480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, & #482 Azelf (Tales of the World-Style)
#481 Mesprit
#481 Mesprit
#482 Azelf
#482 Azelf
#484 Palkia
#484 Palkia
#489 Phione
#489 Phione
#489 Phione
#489 Phione
#490 Manaphy
#490 Manaphy
#490 Manaphy
#490 Manaphy
#491 Darkrai
#491 Darkrai
#491 Darkrai
#491 Darkrai
#491 Darkrai
#491 Darkrai
#492 Shaymin
#492 Shaymin
#492 Shaymin
#492 Shaymin
#493 Arceus (Beta, R/G/B-Style)
#493 Arceus (Beta, R/G/B-Style)
#493 Arceus (Tales of the World-Style)
#493 Arceus (Tales of the World-Style)
Akari (D/P-Style)
Akari (D/P-Style)
Cynthia (R/S/E-Style)
Cynthia (R/S/E-Style)
Dawn (G/S/C-Style)
Dawn (G/S/C-Style)
Lucas and Dawn (Platinum)
Lucas and Dawn (Platinum)
Sinnoh Pokémon (R/G/B-Style)
Sinnoh Pokémon (R/G/B-Style)
Fifth Generation
Sixth Generation
Seventh Generation
Eighth Generation
Ninth Generation
Backgrounds & Tiles
Console Genre Developers
Custom / Edited Customs Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
You must be logged in with an active forum account to post comments.
Oct 17, 2024, 2:49 AM
Definitely excited to see fans potentially post stuff based on the teraleak here
Jul 6, 2023, 1:23 AM
could i submit a sprite of gible's beta design (that i made obviously)
Nov 12, 2022, 11:46 AM
@TheVengefulRevolvenant: Why are you surprised about us not accepting unofficial creepypasta submissions for obvious reasons?
Nov 12, 2022, 11:35 AM
i'm surprised by the lack of buried alive/white hand
Oct 9, 2022, 12:50 PM
i remember when JoshR had an entire section dedicated to their sprites.

also, needs more zoroark
Jul 22, 2022, 12:47 PM
@BrianFanTheHedgefox: This is now the third time this question has been answered on this same comment page.
Pikachu and the other 1st-Generation sprites have their own section due to how many were made.
Jul 22, 2022, 12:17 PM
why no pikachu?
Dec 22, 2021, 7:30 AM
Been wondering, would Hisui sprites go into the eight generation category or a different category?
Nov 30, 2020, 3:48 PM
@Spacebound 3arth Beginings It would go in the Pokémon Generation 1 Customs, because they're Gen. 1 Pokémon.
Nov 30, 2020, 3:43 PM
If I wanted to post a custom based on Kanto, but it's the Gold & Silver version, would it go here or in the Generation 1 Customs?
Nov 27, 2020, 6:49 AM
Welp, we'll never know now. It must've gotten rejected...
Nov 7, 2020, 3:04 PM
@DogToon64 Same here..
Nov 7, 2020, 8:51 AM
I wonder what the pending "black and white Pokédex" is...
Aug 10, 2020, 9:44 PM
yeah but whys it at the bottom lol
Aug 8, 2020, 1:31 PM
At last, the gen 8 section is here
Jul 19, 2020, 1:16 PM
They've maybe not been made yet, Danielle, that's why they're not here.
Jul 19, 2020, 1:10 PM
You forgot the Eighth Generation Customs!
Jun 12, 2020, 4:55 PM
Maybe if I upload a sheet
Jun 8, 2020, 1:07 PM
I think someone needs to make some sprites of the Galar pokemon first
Apr 18, 2020, 2:33 PM
So will we be getting a category for the Galar region?
Jun 7, 2019, 8:03 PM
@Kirby: We relocated the first generation's sprites to a new section due to how many we have: https://www.spriters-resource.com/custom_edited/pokemongeneration1customs/

...which you would've known had you read the comment directly below yours.
Jun 7, 2019, 7:12 PM
how is there no pikachu
Mar 5, 2019, 10:51 PM
Mar 5, 2019, 8:27 PM
wheres the first generation
Jul 20, 2018, 1:51 AM
Some OW edited sprites from Red,Blue,Yellow,Green,Alpha Sapphire or Omega Ruby,could be nice...Like May new outfits...
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