# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Pokémon Generation 1 Customs







Red (Classic)

Red (Classic)

Red (Classic)

Red (FR/LG-Style)

Red & Leaf (Pokemon Picross GBC-Style)


Other Trainers



Characters (Battle, GB & GBC-Styles)

Green (Adventures) (G/S/C-Style)

Lt. Surge


Misty (Back, R/G/B-Style)

Mom (GBA-Style, Expanded)

Player Characters (Pokémon Stadium) (G/S/C-Style)

Sabrina (Final Fantasy VI-Style)

Sabrina (HG/SS) (Overworld, FR/LG-Style)

Sabrina (Pixel Art)

Team Rocket Grunts (Overworld, Gen V-Style)

Unused Female Player Character (G/S/C-Style)

Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, & Venusaur

#001 Bulbasaur

#001 Bulbasaur

#001 Bulbasaur

#001 Bulbasaur

#001 Bulbasaur (Sword & Shield)

#002 Ivysaur

#002 Ivysaur

#002 Ivysaur

#003 Venusaur

Charmander, Charmeleon, & Charizard

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander

#004 Charmander (Pixel Art)

#005 Charmeleon

#005 Charmeleon

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

#006 Charizard

Squirtle, Wartortle, & Blastoise

#007 Squirtle

#007 Squirtle

#007 Squirtle

#007 Squirtle

#007 Squirtle

#007 Squirtle

#008 Wartortle

#008 Wartortle

#008 Wartortle

#009 Blastoise

#009 Blastoise

#009 Blastoise (Gigantamax)

#009 Blastoise (Overworld, G/S/C-Style)

Caterpie, Metapod, & Butterfree

Weedle, Kakuna, & Beedrill

Pidgey, Pidgeotto, & Pidgeot

Rattata & Raticate

#019 Rattata

#019 Rattata

#019 Rattata

#019 Rattata & #020 Raticate (Alolan, PMD-Style)

#020 Raticate

Spearow & Fearow

Ekans & Arbok

Pikachu & Raichu

#025 Cosplay Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu

#025 Pikachu (1996 Design, G/S/C-Style)

#025 Pikachu (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga-Style)

#025 Pikachu (Undertale-Style)

#026 Raichu

#026 Raichu

#026 Raichu

Clefairy & Clefable

Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff

#039 Jigglypuff

#039 Jigglypuff

#039 Jigglypuff

#039 Jigglypuff

#039 Jigglypuff

#039 Jigglypuff (Kirby NES-Style)

#039 Jigglypuff (Sword & Shield)

#040 Wigglytuff

#040 Wigglytuff (Inflated, BW/BW2-Style)

#040 Wigglytuff (Sword & Shield)

Zubat & Golbat

Oddish, Gloom, & Vileplume

#043 Oddish

#043 Oddish

#043 Oddish

#043 Oddish

#043 Oddish (Pixel Art)

#043 Oddish (Sword & Shield)

#044 Gloom

#045 Vileplume

#045 Vileplume (Sun & Moon)

#045 Vileplume (Wario Land II-Style)

Diglett & Dugtrio

#050 Diglett

#050 Diglett

#050 Diglett

#050 Diglett

#050 Diglett (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga-Style)

#050 Diglett (Sun & Moon)

#050 Diglett & #051 Dugtrio (Alolan, PMD-Style)

#051 Dugtrio

#051 Dugtrio

#051 Dugtrio (Tales of the World-Style)

#051 Dugtrio (The Binding of Isaac-Style)

Poliwag, Poliwhirl, & Poliwrath

Abra, Kadabra, & Alakazam

Geodude, Graveler, & Golem

#074 Geodude

#074 Geodude

#074 Geodude, #075 Graveler & #076 Golem (Alolan, PMD-Style)

#075 Graveler

Magnemite & Magneton

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite

#081 Magnemite (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga-Style)

#082 Magneton

#082 Magneton

Gastly, Haunter, & Gengar

#092 Gastly

#092 Gastly

#092 Gastly

#092 Gastly

#093 Haunter

#093 Haunter

#093 Haunter

#093 Haunter

#093 Haunter

#094 Gengar

#094 Gengar

#094 Gengar

#094 Gengar

Voltorb & Electrode

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb

#100 Voltorb (Sun & Moon)

#101 Electrode

#101 Electrode

#101 Electrode (Pixel Art)

Magikarp & Gyarados

#129 Magikarp

#129 Magikarp

#129 Magikarp (Pixel Art)

#130 Gyarados

#130 Gyarados

#130 Gyarados

#130 Gyarados


Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, & Flareon

#133 Eevee

#133 Eevee

#133 Eevee

#133 Eevee (Pixel Art)

#134 Vaporeon

#134 Vaporeon

#135 Jolteon

#135 Jolteon

#135 Jolteon

#136 Flareon

#136 Flareon

#136 Flareon (Pixel Art)


#150 Mewtwo

#150 Mewtwo

#150 Mewtwo

#150 Mewtwo

#150 Mewtwo (Pixel Art)

#150 Mewtwo (Pixel Art)

#150 Mewtwo (Pixel Art)

#150 Mewtwo (Super Mario Maker-Style)

#150 Mewtwo (Tales of the World-Style)


Other Pokémon

#027 Sandshrew

#028 Sandslash

#029 Nidoran♀

#030 Nidorina

#031 Nidoqueen

#032 Nidoran♂

#033 Nidorino

#034 Nidoking

#037 Vulpix

#037 Vulpix & #038 Ninetales (Alolan, PMD-Style)

#046 Paras

#048 Venonat

#049 Venomoth

#052 Meowth

#052 Meowth

#052 Meowth

#054 Psyduck

#054 Psyduck (Pixel Art)

#055 Golduck (Pixel Art)

#056 Mankey

#057 Primeape

#057 Primeape

#058 Growlithe

#066 Machop

#067 Machoke

#069 Bellsprout

#070 Weepinbell

#071 Victreebel

#072 Tentacool

#079 Slowpoke

#079 Slowpoke

#080 Slowbro

#083 Farfetch'd

#083 Farfetch'd

#084 Doduo

#084 Doduo

#086 Seel

#086 Seel (Pixel Art)

#088 Grimer

#088 Grimer & #089 Muk (Alolan, PMD-Style)

#090 Shellder

#091 Cloyster

#095 Onix

#096 Drowzee

#098 Krabby

#099 Kingler (Pixel Art)

#102 Exeggcute

#104 Cubone

#104 Cubone

#105 Marowak

#106 Hitmonlee

#107 Hitmonchan

#108 Lickitung

#109 Koffing

#109 Koffing (The Binding of Isaac-Style)

#110 Weezing

#111 Rhyhorn

#113 Chansey

#113 Chansey (Sword & Shield)

#114 Tangela

#114 Tangela

#116 Horsea

#116 Horsea

#117 Seadra

#118 Goldeen

#120 Staryu

#121 Starmie

#122 Mr. Mime

#123 Scyther

#123 Scyther

#124 Jynx

#124 Jynx (Holiday) (R/G/B/Y & G/S/C Styles)

#124 Jynx (TCG2, GBC-Style)

#125 Electabuzz

#126 Magmar

#127 Pinsir

#127 Pinsir

#131 Lapras

#131 Lapras

#137 Porygon

#137 Porygon (Sword & Shield)

#138 Omanyte

#138 Omanyte

#139 Omastar

#140 Kabuto

#140 Kabuto

#143 Snorlax

#143 Snorlax

#147 Dratini

Backgrounds & Tiles


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