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Sonic Heroes HUD
Category Custom / Edited
Menu & HUD Elements
Submitter FieryExplosion
Size 19.78 KB (453x367)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 19,525
Comments 4

Sonic Heroes HUD
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Jan 11, 2023, 8:00 AM
Even though people seem to associate Sonic with Nintendo for the past 20 years, the PS2 was way more popular than both the Gamecube and the Xbox combined even if it was the worst version. Meaning more people did play the PS2 version and was an easy Platinum/Greatest Hits release, even came out on the PS3 as a PS2 Classic. Probably now more people played the game on GC emulation via Dolphin but back then it was a different story.

For the Xbox, it was the case of not as many family friendly games on the console compared to the others (and many happen to be racing games) so someone might have got the game for a younger relative while they played on Halo. Even platformer wise, struggle to think apart from the lesser known games such as Kao the Kangaroo 2 or Scaler, games such as the Ty series, Blinx and Crash: Wrath of Cortex (best version) / Crash Twinsanity, I think some of the Spyro games were on there too. Meaning that it sold well too, made it to the Classics range. It is one of the few games that does support 720p though making it a bit on a incentive being the only HD console version...
Jan 11, 2023, 12:19 AM
Enough people to get it to Platinum Hits on Xbox and Greatest Hits on PS2, same with the Gamecube release...? I have no clue where you're coming from with "the versions absolutely no one played".
May 30, 2022, 11:21 PM
You mean the versions absolutely no one played…well I mean maybe some played the PS2 version but who the hecc played it on Xbox
Mar 2, 2019, 8:48 AM
What about PS2 and Xbox buttons?
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