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Sonic (Composite Genesis-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Sonic the Hedgehog
Submitters Dolphman, Glitchy, JoshStrikesBack, MarioMadness734, paveldechev0604, Shinbaloonba, TheGoku7729
Size 956.27 KB (1638x2148)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 194,830
Comments 87

Sonic (Composite Genesis-Style)
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Jul 27, 2019, 9:29 AM
This sheet is near perfection when it comes to versatility.
Apr 30, 2019, 11:17 PM
Yeah. The main purpose for this is to be used for ROM hacks and fan content, such as fangames, animations, and comics. I doubt me and the guys will do the same for Tails and Knuckles, since it's easy to convert their Mania sprites back to 16-bit.
I mainly did this as a way to have an S3K Sonic that's consistent and universal to every Sonic game. If you have any questions, I'm open to answer any of them.
If there's one thing I will not allow and that is Sonic.exe edits or recolours of any kind.
(Especially shitty and lazily made OCs) They should be reported if those pop up.
Apr 30, 2019, 3:11 PM
@IceCreamSandwichYT It's mania sprites converted int othe composite sonic style, however I'm pretty sure they felt calling it mania style fit better as well, it's changing up the sonic mania sprites.

@CaptainGame17 this sheet isn't aiming to be smooth. Small sonic had 8 sprites for walking in Mania, but in Sonic CD, there were only 3. Heck, alot of the things on this are only just the keyframes with the exception of a few having some of mania's extra frames.

Then again I should probably leave the explaining to the submitters of this sheet.(Probably Dolphman)
Apr 22, 2019, 5:19 PM
i dont wanna be rude but these are not sm style
Dec 30, 2018, 1:00 AM
@EXEcutor-The-Bat. I know, but for once he did something good. I was meaning to finish the Super Sonic sprites myself. Though I did eventually touched his additions up to be consistent and refused to add the redundant animations he made.
(Certain animations that were already on the sheet with but were literally just 16-bit conversions of the Mania versions, complete with the smoothness. Completely missing the point on what TheGoku7729 said. The SFX can stay though as space fillers)
Dec 29, 2018, 8:37 PM
Really Dolph? I thought you were against Pavel too.
Nov 10, 2018, 11:37 AM
Didn't Small Sonic have 8 sprites for walking? I think there are only the keyframes on this sheet..
Nov 2, 2018, 10:25 AM
1. Wow man, you sure do ask for a lot. And most of these are just unused sprites who wouldn't belong here, and some things you ask are already here as well. Also what do you mean by removed sprites from Mania? BTW We already have flume sprites here.
2. Why the heck would we add effects on this sheet? Just go to the Sonic Mania sheets, dude!
You do realize you can't just ask for things like that and expect to get them? (also you didn't even say please, it actually sounds like an order)
So, the only valid thing I see in this "request" is Super Sonic. Sorry for this, but someone had to say it.
Aug 7, 2018, 1:34 PM
And Misc.:

-Drop Dash
-Drop Dash (Pre-Plus)
Aug 7, 2018, 1:30 PM
For Composite Sonic V5 need that sprites:

Sonic the Hedgehog:

Sonic the Hedgehog CD:

Sonic the Hedgehog 3&K:

Sonic Mania:
-Look Up
-Piloting Tornado
-Removed Sprites

Sonic Mania Plus:
-Extended Super Sonic
-Lay Down
Jul 25, 2018, 12:57 AM
For those wondering, the enlarged Mini-Sonic sprite I added Pre-Super Sonic R-Sprites, when experimenting with Rotsprite.
Jun 20, 2018, 6:19 PM
@Dolphman May I add some of my sprites to this sheet?
Jun 1, 2018, 4:34 PM
never mind, I was just blind
Jun 1, 2018, 4:26 PM
I do not see the continue sprites.. is it okay if I make some and add them to this sheet?
Apr 2, 2018, 1:04 PM
By the way, I want to cringe at all my comments. Including this one.
Jan 18, 2018, 8:36 AM
Welp. This has officially dethroned my DooM weapons spritesheet as my number one most popular sheet. *Cue the confetti, balloons, clown and leotard girls*
Jan 8, 2018, 12:31 PM
Oh boi!, What about tails and knuckles?
Dec 31, 2017, 9:19 AM
Seriously Dolphy, congratulations.
Dec 28, 2017, 5:52 PM
@Tryyal I wouldn't say every Sonic game ever, I'm detecting a frightening lack of Sonic Blast-based sprites on here. :P
Dec 28, 2017, 4:38 PM
You took every sonic game ever and threw the sprites in here, and Sonic Mania styled them. Nice.
Dec 23, 2017, 8:11 PM
@Dolphman Your welcome! (adding Super Sonic right now)
Dec 21, 2017, 11:17 AM
Best Sonic sprites EVER!
Dec 21, 2017, 4:50 AM
Oh sweet! Thank you so much for your collaboration.
(Though the enlarged Mini Sonic isn't really needed. And you also forgot to rotate Super Sonic's waling & running frames. ^^;)
Dec 20, 2017, 8:35 PM
Rotated sprites are FINALLY HERE!!!
Dec 12, 2017, 11:41 PM
@20baisju Credit is all I need. I made this with the intention of being used in ROM hacks and fangames. ^_^
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