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Water Elemental
Category Custom / Edited
Enemies & Bosses
Submitter SmithyGCN
Size 25.99 KB (355x1005)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 1,084
Comments 1

Water Elemental
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Nov 13, 2020, 8:08 PM
Water Elemental was one of the most bosses I had the pleasure to sprite for. I really went to town designing the stuff and rocks that make up his waterfall. I kept the area where his face was blue to add color to the waterfall itself and to keep the same aesthetic as the original from Ironsword. Sadly, the water is an edit of the Symphony of the Night great waterfall in the Underground Cavern rather than a full on custom and for that I apologize for. His face is self-explanatory, but his eyeballs are a direct reference to Exor in SMRPG. Then you have the overlays of the rocks so that the water looks convincingly as THERE on his sprite instead of just pasted over. Next is the palette that cycles so that the waterfall animates. I also took the liberty of adding the entire water tileset I made for the game to this sheet to help complete the composition. You have rain, water splashing, rain splashing, straight down rain, water tiles, and light beams in the water's surface. There's also these dotted lines showing the rain running down the walls and surfaces it strikes as well as some splash droplets and bubbles for when the character is under the water. Have fun, guys.
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