# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Black Belt Challenge
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Category Game Boy Advance
Sheets 3
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Black Belt Challenge
Black Belt Challenge
Console Genre Developers
Game Boy Advance Fighting Developer coming soon!
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Oct 13, 2022, 9:17 PM *
Not sure if i should put this here but I missed a bunch of sprites on the Cat Fighter sheet, my bad. to compensate i found out how to change animations in the ram so it's easier to rip player sprites from a save state. Applies only to player 1, some values crash the game, sometimes you need to hold down left/right while loading a state with the cheat active for it to load the sprite

00 - Stand
01 - Light Punch
02 - Strong Punch
03 - Light Kick
04 - Strong Kick
05 - Walk Forward
06 - Walk Backward

08 - Crouch Start
09 - Standing Jump
0A - Forward Jump
0B - Crouch Light Punch
0C - Crouch Strong Punch
0D - Crouch Light Kick
0E - Crouch Strong Kick
0F - Air Punch
10 - Air Punch Again
11 - Air Kick
12 - Air Kick Again
13 - Backward Jump
14 - Backward Dash (at least used by Drake, some characters dont have this animation and will crash)
15 - Slide Kick (same as above)

17 - Crouch Block
18 - Standing Block
19 - Cannon Shot (at least Drake's special move, might also correspond to other charater moves)
1A - Cannon Kick (see above)

1C - Crouch Hit
1D - Crouch Hit Again
1E - Light Hit
1F - Strong Hit
20 - Air Hit
21 - i think this is getting hit from below while standing? at least thats what it looks like
22 - the above but Strong Hit
23 - Death Hit
24 - another hit but okay these sprites on drake really look unused
25 - Electrocuted
26 - Electrocuted
27 - Roll Recover?
28 - Victory
29 - Turn
2A - Crouch Turn
2B - Continue?/Multiplayer Lose

2D - Air Punch
2E - Strong Air Punch
2F - Air Kick
30 - Strong Air Kick
31 - Super Uppercut

32/33 - i dunno, some characters have these and others dont

Another useful cheat is attempting to force a stage, which if you set it to an invalid value gives you an orangescreen stage:
And forcing palletes (anything over 02 results in pure black):
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