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Samus Mugshots
Category Game Boy Advance
Cutscenes / Gallery
Submitter Kenji Imatake
Size 291.02 KB (1517x720)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 28,950
Comments 2

Samus Mugshots
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Mar 11, 2023, 7:29 AM
Yeah, Kenji's stand-in on the bottom is unnecessary. But the Omega Suit versions could just have an asterisk as if to denote that these are custom.
Aug 19, 2017, 9:24 PM
There's really no need for those recolored Samus sprites, being the X Suit (the orange one) elevator and Navigation Room mugshots, and every Samus "OC" sprite at the bottom there.

If those X Suit customs were to be on here, it should at least go into the Metroid Customs section.
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