# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Category Game Boy / GBC
Playable Character
Submitter Andres1812
Size 6.14 KB (225x294)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 2,176
Comments 6

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Mar 26, 2023, 7:02 AM
"...all it did was swap Garfield with Peter Venkman..."
Quite ironic given they shared a voice actor in their animated shows. (And Bill Murray would even later voice Garfield in the Live-action movies.)
Nov 10, 2022, 12:36 PM
Garfield videogame lore going insane
Nov 3, 2022, 12:59 AM
@Welfz Twingo Furs Piece of shovelware using an unfitting license. In the US, the game was reskinned as a Ghostbusters game, but all it did was swap Garfield with Peter Venkman and everything else was the same. In Japan, the game was reskinned with Mickey Mouse with Minnie in place of Odie.
And you're not wrong about the bootleg part. The game is actually an unauthorized port of the C64/Amiga game, P.P. Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon.
The original developer of P.P. Hammer confirms it here: [LINK]
Nov 2, 2022, 3:01 PM
bootleg-looking lil' guy
Oct 29, 2022, 7:09 PM
when garfield becomes nermal
Oct 27, 2022, 8:13 AM
It's so hard to look at these and think of Garfield instead of Nermal.
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