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Category Master System
Submitter Yawackhary
Size 22.29 KB (399x464)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 17,442
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Nov 28, 2023, 7:10 AM
i fucking love scratch's winning mugshot
May 22, 2021, 11:47 PM *
Arms: Didn't suffer too bad.
Frankly: Coked into the next goddamn zip code
Humpty: He's stationary, now.
Coc- I mean- Davey Sprocket: The faces actually match here, oddly enough.
Skweel: Now looks even more like Mr. Star.
Dynamight: Absolutely partyin' during his win anim.
Spike: Wearing a Capirote for some reason.
SFL: Lost his pallete-cycling eyes.
Dragon Breath: Went from "Li'l kitty" to "Li'l pissed" in his loss anim.
Coconuts: His hand's not on his head when he loses.
Scratch: Mate, you good?
Grounder: Needs some Ciallis for his ant*nna
Dr. Robotnik: Stuck his eggroll into a vacuum's hose, made these four faces.
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