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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Classes
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy II
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy III
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy V
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VIII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IX
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy X / X-2
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIII / XIII-2 / XIII-3
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XVI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Type-0
Playable Characters: Mobius Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
Playable Characters: World of Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Playable Characters: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Bosses: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy II
Bosses: Final Fantasy III
Bosses: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Bosses: Final Fantasy V
Bosses: Final Fantasy VI
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Bosses: Final Fantasy VIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy IX
Bosses: Final Fantasy X
Bosses: Final Fantasy X-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XI
Bosses: Final Fantasy XII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIV
Bosses: Final Fantasy XV
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Bosses: Final Fantasy Type-0
Bosses: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Mobius Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Grandmasters
Bosses: World of Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Bosses: Final Fantasy Legends II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts III
Bosses: Events
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Chimera (Event)
Chimera (Event)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Fat Chocobo
Fat Chocobo
Fat Moogle
Fat Moogle
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Griffon (Event)
Griffon (Event)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Kadomatsu tender
Kadomatsu tender
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Mushroom (Event)
Mushroom (Event)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Worm (Event)
Sand Worm (Event)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Non-Playable Characters
Unused Content
Console Genre Developers
Mobile Action RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Feb 28, 2025, 3:27 AM
I feel like it might make more sense to change the "Playable Characters:" labels to just "Characters:" so that way the NPC sprites can be grouped in with the actual games they're from, especially since all the NPCs are already grouped together in one sheet so it wouldn't be confusing who is and isn't playable. That way, for example, the "Final Fantasy 07" sheet could be renamed "Final Fantasy VII NPCs" and be placed besides Cloud, Sephiroth, etc. Right now it's really easy to miss that the NPCs are even here since they're separated by the huuuuge amount of enemy sprites and use door icons which are super easy to overlook

At the very least I think the icons really need to be changed to show some of the characters, I had legitimately no idea there were NPC sheets on here, the door icons don't really represent the sheets at all
Dec 23, 2024, 12:15 PM
I haven't syphersephir, go ahead lol.
Dec 21, 2024, 6:46 PM
There are a handful of FFIV sprites that I haven't gotten around to uploading.
The mysterious girl is 204161_1, if you didn't submit it already I can add that one quickly.
I have about 30 others that haven't been uploaded yet
Dec 20, 2024, 10:50 PM *
I honestly though the Mysterious Girl sprite was available here lol. And by the way, there is an actual sprite for her in Record Keeper.
Dec 11, 2024, 10:44 AM
Are there no more FFXV or even FFXVI monsters?
Nov 20, 2024, 6:49 PM
Wait, aren't Jessie Raspberry, Biggs, and Wedge's sprites already in the "Final Fantasy 07" sheet? They also aren't even playable unless they changed it or something.
Aug 31, 2024, 7:14 PM
@AerospaceCoot35 I have not run into them lately. I will link the 3 Dissidia character, incase someone else wants to try to assemble them.
Aug 30, 2024, 11:00 PM
@syphersephir Did you find any promotional images and screenshots on what those sprites look like?
Jun 27, 2024, 7:42 PM *
Does anyone have the assembled sprite for Dissidia Garland, Dissidia Emperor Mateus, or Dissidia Golbez?
I have all of the sheets for these, but am having trouble assembling them, thanks
May 6, 2024, 5:17 PM
Only certain characters have field sprites, yeah. There were "Record Dungeons" which had Tyro & co. going through events in different games in an actual story. Thus, there are a bunch of overworld maps and field sprites for the characters that show up in those stories.
Apr 25, 2024, 4:16 AM
Didn't notice Cid lacked them too but yeah you're right. I assumed Yuffie/Vincent just didn't have them because they don't actually show up in the story normally
I've never played Record Keeper so I don't really know how it works, I assume only certain characters have field sprites though ?
Apr 25, 2024, 3:15 AM
My recent work in progress is to scrape the content servers for sprites with a predictable naming pattern. This should encompass bosses, enemies, characters and weapons. This also pulls the json file needed to assemble them, but I've yet to parse said json (because I honestly don't like to). This won't be complete because some things fall outside of the naming pattern, and I can definitely say has repeats for unknown reasons, but with it running right now and almost complete the pass for bosses, I have over 2100 images. The naming structure even gives them some loose categorization.
Apr 24, 2024, 10:06 PM
@AmbiguosulyAnonymous Yuffie, Cid, and Vincent also don't have field sprites either so there's that.
Apr 22, 2024, 12:51 AM
Thank you for the new sprites
Apr 19, 2024, 10:28 PM
Does Cait Sith not have overworld/walking sprites? he seems to be one of the only FF7 character on here without them now
Apr 16, 2024, 10:40 AM
Quick note about backgrounds: I am not including overlay/objects that are placed on top of the background or player, animation layers, and I am removing semi-transparent pixels.
These just don't work well with the current submission standard that is a combined background (usually 2/3 images Top, Bottom, and Sky)
Since there are so many and they are unorganized, I am not dedicating much brainpower to removing duplicates. So I apologize in advance if any make it in.
Apr 15, 2024, 11:51 AM *
There were more backgrounds missing than I had expected.
I was able to find 667 more backgrounds that are not uploaded, with about 67 from after the shutdown of global.
*My original estimate was half of the actual number I counted.
Apr 14, 2024, 8:13 PM
So, something like this?: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/422074205475962880/1229252754623561830/Cloud.png?ex=662f01d7&;is=661c8cd7&hm=222c27f580f6ce6b2fa18fefe5df52231643a048b9d87922453dd4ff20ca2a1f&
Would have added some names for like "Main", "Stone", "Field", and even the full name of the character but ran out of time lol.
Apr 14, 2024, 1:47 PM
How does everyone here feel about creating a compiled sprite from the 2D skeletal animation sheets that FFRK uses, I can't guarentee that the parts will be 100% accurately placed. Maybe it is better than not having the sprites at all?
I am writing a script to pull all of the battle backgrounds and I will see if there are any new ones.
Apr 13, 2024, 1:11 AM
can someone add any more battle backgrounds?
Apr 6, 2024, 5:54 PM
I don't think they have any.
Apr 5, 2024, 12:53 PM
where are Fang/Noel/Y'shtola's overworld sprites?
Apr 2, 2024, 9:12 PM
In terms of sprites now here, yes.
Apr 1, 2024, 11:27 PM
Are the walking/nonbattle sprites for the characters new? I swear the characters only had battle sprites last time I checked here
Mar 25, 2024, 10:13 AM
Well actually they were altered to have there arms oriented differently and have a brighter color palette.
Top is Record Keeper and Bottom is the original.
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