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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Classes
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy II
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy III
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy V
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VIII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IX
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy X / X-2
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIII / XIII-2 / XIII-3
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XVI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Type-0
Playable Characters: Mobius Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
Playable Characters: World of Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Playable Characters: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Bosses: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy II
Bosses: Final Fantasy III
Bosses: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Bosses: Final Fantasy V
Bosses: Final Fantasy VI
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Bosses: Final Fantasy VIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy IX
Bosses: Final Fantasy X
Bosses: Final Fantasy X-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XI
Bosses: Final Fantasy XII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIV
Bosses: Final Fantasy XV
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Bosses: Final Fantasy Type-0
Bosses: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Mobius Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Grandmasters
Bosses: World of Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Bosses: Final Fantasy Legends II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts III
Bosses: Events
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Chimera (Event)
Chimera (Event)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Fat Chocobo
Fat Chocobo
Fat Moogle
Fat Moogle
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Griffon (Event)
Griffon (Event)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Kadomatsu tender
Kadomatsu tender
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Mushroom (Event)
Mushroom (Event)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Worm (Event)
Sand Worm (Event)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Non-Playable Characters
Unused Content
Console Genre Developers
Mobile Action RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Mar 25, 2024, 6:12 AM
My guess is they're the same as the original game, since everything else is in FF6 style, but it might still be nice to have them here for completion.
Mar 25, 2024, 1:49 AM
Do they even exist?
Mar 24, 2024, 11:25 AM
No one has posted the FFVI NPCs so there is that...
Mar 23, 2024, 3:08 AM *
Are other NPC sprites coming, such as from FFXV?
Mar 8, 2024, 11:53 AM
Thank you for your new uploads
Mar 7, 2024, 7:25 PM
Now I do also see it at 105048.
Is there something that you follow to know when they will update the servers?
I would like to know the best times to run scans for something new.
Mar 7, 2024, 3:58 PM
I found it now as they just added the sprite into the game's files lol.
Mar 6, 2024, 11:11 AM
Sadly I have only been able to find a few that are not already uploaded and Dissidia Faris is not among them.
If anyone is curious, I found Time Mage, NPC Characters (FFVI), Vincent (Galian Beast) (FFVII), Zalbaag (FFT)
Mar 3, 2024, 7:25 PM
It is Dissida Faris
Mar 3, 2024, 4:54 PM
What game is it from? I can run a pull on sprites and see if I can find him
Mar 3, 2024, 1:54 PM
I want this!
Feb 20, 2024, 10:51 AM
omg new FFIX sprites! and some other ones too!
Feb 19, 2024, 12:42 PM
PM sent
Feb 19, 2024, 10:47 AM *
I would like to have some of those Brave Exvius ones, if you have them uploaded somewhere.
The Wiki doesn't have a few, like the Chimera that isn't new but hasn't been used as an enemy, but was used in an ability.
The Hexadragon is new and I couldn't find a compiled sprite, but I am very familiar with FFVIII so I was going to put it together myself anyway.
I have many that I don't feel confident compiling myself like the FFVIII Ghost Ship, FFXIII Vampire, Proudclad (Annihilation Mode), FFXIV 2 Vanu Vanu, 2 Sanuwa(?), FF0 Nox Suzaku and others I haven't checked yet
Feb 19, 2024, 2:55 AM
I do have the brave exvius one, the wiki doesn't list the Hexadragon in RK but you found it :)
Feb 18, 2024, 8:51 PM
Thank you @Deathbringer, I thing that is correct.
It looks like it is called "Annihilation Mode".
I will try to find a compiled sprite or screenshot so I can correctly assemble it.
Feb 18, 2024, 8:17 PM
@syphersephir That might be Proudclad's ground form.
Feb 18, 2024, 6:32 PM
Sadly I have not seen Blood Soul anywhere. The Wiki says that it appears in Brave Exvius, but I don't have sprites for it.
If you find it, please let me know, I love to find new FFVIII sprites.
Feb 18, 2024, 6:02 AM
Is the FFVIII enemy Blood Soul there (that pink floating head) or did i daydream that as well?
Feb 18, 2024, 5:27 AM
I must have been daydreaming the Construct then... thank you so much for your continued effort!
Feb 17, 2024, 8:09 PM
I wasn't able to find Construct 8 pulling from official sprites or on any of the Japanese sites.
I added 20 new sheets for FFXIII/FFXIII-2, but I couldn't get a compiled sprite for two of them.
Can anyone recognize what enemy this is from FFXIII?
Feb 17, 2024, 1:20 AM
The construct is missing as a monster from FFT (I think), and I'm kinda certain that FFXIII is missing Orphan
Feb 16, 2024, 4:39 PM
I submitted 13 new boss sheets for FFT.
The Tactics sprites can look very similar, so if there is one you know that I am missing, let me know.
Feb 16, 2024, 2:58 PM
I think there are some absences in FF Tactics?
Feb 16, 2024, 11:49 AM
I managed to find Pupu and the newly added Hexadragon for FFVIII.
I believe FFVIII and FFXI are up to date, but there are still several missing for other titles.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what game I should look into adding first?
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