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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Playable Characters: Classes
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy II
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy III
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy V
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy VIII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy IX
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy X / X-2
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XII
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIII / XIII-2 / XIII-3
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XIV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XV
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy XVI
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Type-0
Playable Characters: Mobius Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
Playable Characters: World of Final Fantasy
Playable Characters: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Playable Characters: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Bosses: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy II
Bosses: Final Fantasy III
Bosses: Final Fantasy IV / FFIV: The After Years
Bosses: Final Fantasy V
Bosses: Final Fantasy VI
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus
Bosses: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Bosses: Final Fantasy VIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy IX
Bosses: Final Fantasy X
Bosses: Final Fantasy X-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XI
Bosses: Final Fantasy XII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Bosses: Final Fantasy XIV
Bosses: Final Fantasy XV
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics
Bosses: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Bosses: Final Fantasy Type-0
Bosses: Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Bosses: Mobius Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Grandmasters
Bosses: World of Final Fantasy
Bosses: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Bosses: Final Fantasy Legends II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts II
Bosses: Kingdom Hearts III
Bosses: Events
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Assasin Bug (Octopath Traveler)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Biochimera (Rise of Mana)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Black Bat (Octopath Traveler)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bokhon (Romancing SaGa 2)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Bomb King (World Wide Words)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand I (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Brigand II (Octopath Traveler)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Buffy (Secret of Mana)
Chimera (Event)
Chimera (Event)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dantarg (Romancing SaGa 2)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Dark Lich (Rise of Mana)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death (Emperor SaGa)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Death Machine (Secret of Mana)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (First Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Dragonlord (Second Form) (Dragon Quest)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Ethereal Queen (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Fat Chocobo
Fat Chocobo
Fat Moogle
Fat Moogle
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Gaston (Octopath Traveler)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Great Malboro (World Wide Words)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Green Dragon (Dragon Quest)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Gremlin (Dragon Quest II)
Griffon (Event)
Griffon (Event)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Helgenish Lackeys (Octopath Traveler)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Hexas (Secret of Mana)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink I (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Highland Ratink II (Octopath Traveler)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Hoodie (Dragon Quest III)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Jewel Beast (Emperor SaGa)
Kadomatsu tender
Kadomatsu tender
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
Killing Machine (Dragon Quest II)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
King Behemoth (World Wide Words)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Kznissie (Romancing SaGa 2)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Anatomia)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Machine Rider (Rise of Mana)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Magico Pot (Anniversary)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Malroth (Dragon Quest II)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mana Beast (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Mantis Ant (Rise of Mana)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Metal Slime (Dragon Quest)
Mushroom (Event)
Mushroom (Event)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Noel (Romancing SaGa 2)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Orochi (Dragon Quest III)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Rocbouquet (Romancing Saga 2)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Lizardman (Octopath Traveler)
Sand Worm (Event)
Sand Worm (Event)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Saruin (Romancing SaGa)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Seven Heroes (Romancing SaGa 2)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Shadows (Secret of Mana)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Siegfray (SaGa Scarlet Grace)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Soldier (Octopath Traveler)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Subier (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Wagnas (Romancing SaGa 2)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Zoma (Dragon Quest III)
Non-Playable Characters
Unused Content
Console Genre Developers
Mobile Action RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Mar 16, 2016, 3:45 AM
I had not noticed. Thank xdonthave1xx. Ton when I have time I will arrange them.
Mar 15, 2016, 9:21 PM
OK, first off I just want to say that these are awesome. Second, I've noticed that some playable characters are missing like Ashe, Kimahri, and Mog. I know more characters are missing, but was wondering if maybe they were overlooked or something else.
Mar 3, 2016, 9:38 AM
Hmm. So the monsters are split up. Should we do the characters too?
Jan 7, 2016, 4:16 PM
Been putting your sprites to good use. Your work is very appreciated.
Dec 26, 2015, 9:49 AM
Hello, I was wondering, why haven't any more of the basic classes sprite sheets been put up? Just curious.
Nov 4, 2015, 3:21 PM
In hindsight I realize Vincent was a slip up on my part. I assumed because he was in the En files list he'd already been released, since that version is months behind.
As for special effects, I've got a few but it's just a collection of really random ones and I don't know how to organize them. There's no predictable naming pattern to them either. If I had more I'd probably upload them as a Zip.
Nov 3, 2015, 8:47 PM
Yeha I know. Vincent has not been published yet even in the Japanese version Regarding the special effects, I never tried to rip them. if you can rip them it would be wonderful.
Nov 3, 2015, 11:34 AM
If you revise any, be sure to check the JP character list. Some characters not available in the US have been released in Japan. Beatrix, Freya, Laguna,Seifer, etc. Some of whom have not yet been uploaded.

Do you have the special effects as well? They seem to be a bit more problematic.
I have succeeded in converting them to proper transparency by re-saving the ones I've found as TIFFs in the generic windows Photo and Fax viewer, which views them more accurately than Photoshop at al.
Nov 3, 2015, 11:02 AM
Then I think it's fair to wait to load content not yet published, such as Vincent, until it will be published in the game.
Nov 3, 2015, 10:55 AM
Guys I already have all the sprites ready. I just have to order them and upload them. I try to load them when I have free time.
Nov 3, 2015, 10:50 AM
you can teach rip the genymotion ? I try the droid4x and is not very good
Nov 1, 2015, 1:28 PM
I'm not that far in the game myself, and I've been working on getting other sprite rips at the moment. All my projects have been keeping me from getting far in my sprite ripping.

Also, for names, I pretty much looked at what enemies were on the screen (though I haven't posted any enemy sprites yet) and then looked at the sprite sheets while the game was paused.
Oct 30, 2015, 8:32 AM
Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I had some trouble with android studio, so I may not be able to post anything, but I know I was on the right track, I'll have to try again. As for the folder path, I'm sure I can find it.
Ok with Genymotion you can indeed get good rips, and without needing Android Device Monitor even. You can setup a shared folder to place the image files in, in the virtual machine settings.
As for rips themselves, some names I was able to guess, while others I wasn't able to find, so, I'll upload some of the things I've found when I get time. My progress in the game itself is lacking, so I may not be able to upload too much that isn't already here.
Oct 28, 2015, 12:49 PM
I've been ripping from the Android version with great success. I use Genymotion with the emulator using Android 4.3 and the Arm compatibility patch and Google Play. Don't forget to install Android Studio. Using the emulator, you can rip using the studio's Android Device Monitor. You'll find the files under a folder with the same name as the apk. I don't know if I can post the whole directory path here.

I've been ripping some of the missing player characters and monsters from FFVII and FFX. I'll be submitting some of them soon.
Oct 20, 2015, 4:07 PM
Is it possible to rip from the android version? If so what do I need?
I looked around but couldn't get any solid info on it.
Oct 16, 2015, 4:15 AM
Not yet
Oct 10, 2015, 12:15 AM
Is Yu Yevon in this by any chance?
Sep 3, 2015, 3:39 PM
we will not fill the talk page , call me in chat
Sep 3, 2015, 11:42 AM
Wow, I don't blame you.It's good to have priorities!
Sep 3, 2015, 6:29 AM
Ton, after my son born i don't have more time to anything, support my wife in house and working 2x more to make money, no time.
Aug 31, 2015, 3:21 AM
I bet! I hope you find time for it!
Aug 31, 2015, 12:49 AM
I try to add some sprites sometimes when I have free time . there are still lots to add!
Aug 29, 2015, 5:56 PM
Are you not going to rip any more?
Aug 29, 2015, 1:14 PM
thank to update, i don't have more time to make this
Aug 26, 2015, 6:00 AM
Whoa, the boss sprites are neat.
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