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Menu & Intermission
Category MS-DOS
Submitter Perdition's Gate Enjoyer
Size 99.81 KB (1074x568)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 1,070
Comments 1

Menu & Intermission
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Sep 7, 2022, 9:04 PM *
Chapter Names, explained by me:
* "Training Mission" comes from the fact it's an easy level set on a subway train.
* "Crocodile Tears" is a chapter where you fight a big man who looks like a crocodile.
* "Body Count" centers around an assassin named Tally Man.
* "Red Herring" refers to a piece of information that is meant to trick someone (I.E. the location of a gas shutoff valve). Also, penguins eat fish.
* "Chiroptophobia" is the fear of bats.
* "Going Batty" means to temporarily go insane (like hallucinating a weird flesh dimension where eyes throw batarangs at you).
* "Split Decision" ends with a fight against Two-Face, a man whose whole gimmick is making split decisions at the toss of a coin.
* I stole "Dying Of Laughter" from the 1st LEGO Batman game.
* ACE Team based the mod on the "Knightfall" series of comics, hence the name.
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