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Posted by Petie - January 25, 2020 - 12:41 PM
Hello all! I feel like it's been a while since I last updated but I'm here once again to bring you this week's new sheets! As always, the community has been hard at work and we have 262 new submissions to show off this week so, without further ado, let's get to it.

This week, our largest chunk of new content comes to us from Fire Emblem: Heroes courtesy of kickinhawk but that's far from all of it. We also have a bunch from Beatmania, Bug Fables, and a SpongeBob edition of Monopoly to name a few! And as always, there's plenty more to give it all a good look, enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend!
Sheets in this update: 260
Arcade Sheets: 26
Browser Games Sheets: 1
Custom / Edited Sheets: 12
DS / DSi Sheets: 6
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 5
Game Gear Sheets: 5
Master System Sheets: 2
Mobile Sheets: 60
MS-DOS Sheets: 1
Neo Geo / NGCD Sheets: 7
NES Sheets: 9
PC / Computer Sheets: 63
PlayStation Sheets: 22
PlayStation 2 Sheets: 5
Plug & Play Sheets: 2
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets: 5
Sharp X1 Sheets: 1
SNES Sheets: 27
Wii Sheets: 1

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