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Posted by Ton - January 18, 2020 - 10:06 AM
Here we are, deep into winter. The weather gurus have predicted a few inches of snow for my area, so I'm planning to hunker down with some soup and a movie and do nothing all weekend.

But before all that, let's check out this week's new sprites! Kendotlibero brings us more Beatmania, Amyd continues to rip the Nintendo Wars games, Observer keeps improving his Sonic rips, Kelp has dumped a lotta Layton, Danikk04 has a slew of Gundam rips, and DrKelexo brings us some ToeJam and Earl sprites we were severely lacking.Thank you all for your continued dedication!

We also have a bunch of Bug Fables rips by theycallme. Awesome to see indie stuff get some love!

Finally, as usual, I want to highlight some of our talented custom spriters here. Omega continues his spree with some great Super Mario Bros 2 enemies ( Small story; That sheet has a shout-out to Neglected Mario Characters, which is the site that got me into sprites in the first place. Crazy how it all comes full-circle. Comment below if you're old enough to remember that!). SaidFayad5 drops another great Mario Maker custom, and our most popular custom section, Sonic, gets some updates from DiscordOrbyy555 and AndersonicTH. The always-impressive MisterMike even submitted a Zelda 2-style Yoshi.

So enjoy! Stay warm! And I'll see you sprite-fans in a few weeks!
Sheets in this update: 223
Arcade Sheets: 23
Custom / Edited Sheets: 9
DS / DSi Sheets: 10
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 3
Game Gear Sheets: 2
Mobile Sheets: 38
NES Sheets: 3
PC / Computer Sheets: 69
PlayStation Sheets: 5
PlayStation 2 Sheets: 33
Plug & Play Sheets: 4
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets: 23
SNES Sheets: 1

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