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Posted by puggsoy - December 7, 2019 - 6:31 AM
...puggsoy was still stirring, and he said ALRIGHT

Here I am finally, back again for another update. It's been a while because basically, I keep forgetting. You see, due to my timezone I have to actually deliver the update right before I go to bed, so that it'll up by the usual time. Otherwise, when I wake up, someone will usually have already had to do it.

Anyway, now that I'm here let's see what we have in store. It's not the chunkiest of updates, but right off the bat we have a healthy dose of Arcade sheets, including some Beatmania IIDX Series ripped by kendotlibero; and what Arcade update would be complete without some good old Metal Slug, courtesy of The Huntress.

GB/GBC sheets are always a fun surprise, nsun and TMB bringing us some Super Mario Land. Speaking of Mario, there's of course more Super Mario Maker 2 ripped by our resident unpredictable vocal shrub, Random Talking Bush. This is a personal favourite, I've been having a blast with the game lately :)

Among this we also have a few Pesterquest sheets from Eldritchdraaks, and nice chunk of Shovel Knight provided by MonoJelly. And of course, far more bits and bobs than I can mention in a single update, but just as great nonetheless!

Well, I'm off to hit the hay for now. Hope you all have a good week!
Sheets in this update: 140
Arcade Sheets: 20
Custom / Edited Sheets: 4
DS / DSi Sheets: 2
Game Boy / GBC Sheets: 16
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 2
GameCube Sheets: 1
Mobile Sheets: 14
MS-DOS Sheets: 1
Neo Geo / NGCD Sheets: 5
Neo Geo Pocket / NGPC Sheets: 1
NES Sheets: 2
Nintendo Switch Sheets: 13
PC / Computer Sheets: 39
PlayStation Sheets: 1
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets: 4
SNES Sheets: 1
Wii Sheets: 1
WonderSwan / WSC Sheets: 3
Xbox 360 Sheets: 10

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