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Posted by Petie - August 31, 2019 - 11:39 AM
Hi everyone! I'm here on this last day of August to bring you the last update of the month! Summer is quickly coming to an end as school starts back up for many of you but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy some new sprites!

This week brings us nearly 300 new submissions. In no particular order, we have some DBZ on the DS, Sonic 2, 3, and CD, the new Pokémon Masters game (which I haven't tried yet - is it any good?), nearly 100 sheets from Dragon Warrior 7, and of course more of THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls. That's only a small sampling though - there's so much more so have a look, enjoy the new sheets and this last day of August, and we'll see you in September!
Sheets in this update: 288
3DO Sheets: 1
Arcade Sheets: 3
Browser Games Sheets: 10
Custom / Edited Sheets: 10
DS / DSi Sheets: 27
Game Boy / GBC Sheets: 3
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 8
Mobile Sheets: 45
NES Sheets: 15
Nintendo Switch Sheets: 4
PC / Computer Sheets: 40
PlayStation Sheets: 92
Sega CD Sheets: 7
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets: 9
SNES Sheets: 13
WonderSwan / WSC Sheets: 1

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