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Posted by Garamonde - November 5, 2016 - 2:26 PM
Golly, the end of the year is almost upon us?! I always ask myself where the year goes and well, I never quite get an answer. It's so strange; we live through it all and we know it was a long road, but it's as if the length was all merely a figment of our imagination.

A year is like a tree in the Fall -- the leaves on it are like the days in the year, quickly "falling" or passing, and what fragments of yesterday getting carried over into the next are like leaves falling to the ground and getting crunched up or brushed aside out of our way so we can move on, awaiting what more there is to come. ...Woah wait, where was I going with this? Things got a little deep there for a second. I think I'll get to the content now...

So today we've got, as the update name implies, Don't Starve, Rick & Morty and that hit new game with the sweet graphics, Owlboy! Other notable mentions happen to be Jazz Jackrabbit, Kamen Rider and Gundam. In addition to all the other fine odds and ends that are equally worthy of your attention, you're sure to find that perfect leaf! Err, I should probably wrap it up here...

See you guys later!
Sheets in this update: 150
3DS Sheets: 4
Arcade Sheets: 1
Browser Games Sheets: 15
Custom / Edited Sheets: 1
DS / DSi Sheets: 9
Game Boy Advance Sheets: 2
Mobile Sheets: 36
MS-DOS Sheets: 17
MSX Sheets: 1
NES Sheets: 5
PC / Computer Sheets: 40
PlayStation 2 Sheets: 9
Sega Genesis / 32X Sheets: 5
SNES Sheets: 5

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