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Posted by Dazz - March 23, 2009 - 4:58 AM
Similar to my last update, this is all the submissions we've got over the last few days... In other words, we get so many submissions we can update more than weekly with tonnes of sheets. How fantastic!

I thought I'd mention that Random Talking Bush has gone through our database and editted all titles beginning with "The" (For example, "The Adventures of Batman") and renamed them to have ", The" on the end instead. That way it's easier to find the game you want.

Enjoy the update!

(RTB's note: That, and so we won't have a ton of games in the "T" section, just because they have "The" in front of their name.)
(Ton's note: I wanted to fit in, so I'm editing this post, too. This new feature is fun! Wheee!)
Sheets in this update: 64

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