# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays


∀ Gundam

0 Gundam

0 Raiser

00 Gundam

00 Gundam Seven Sword-G

00 Gundam Sky

00 Qan[T]
![00 Qan[T]](/resources/sheet_icons/136/139560.png?updated=1600279898)

00 Qan[T] (ELS)
![00 Qan[T] (ELS)](/resources/sheet_icons/136/139559.png?updated=1600279975)

00 QAN[T] Full Saber
![00 QAN[T] Full Saber](/resources/sheet_icons/136/138899.png?updated=1599395462)

00 Raiser GN Particle Condenser Type

00 XN Raiser

1.5 Gundam

105 Dagger

105 Slaughter Dagger

Abyss Gundam


Advanced GN-X

Aegis Gundam

AEU Enact

AEU Hellion





Altron Gundam

Altron Gundam EW




Arche Gundam


Arios Gundam

Arios Gundam Ascalon





Black Abulhool

Black Abulhool

Black Astraea

Black Plutone

Black Sefer Rasiel

Blitz Gundam

Blu Duel



Burning Gundam

Buster Dagger

Buster Gundam

Calamity Gundam


CGUE Assault


Chaos Gundam

Cherudim Gundam

Cherudim Gundam SAGA

Civilian Astray DSSD Custom

Combat Helicopter (E.A.)

Combat Helicopter (Orb Forces)


Dagger L

Delta Astray

Destiny Gundam

Destiny Impulse

Destiny Impulse R

Destroy Gundam


DOM Trooper

Dreadnought Gundam

Dreadnought Gundam GuAIZ Head

Dreadnought H

Duel Dagger

Duel Dagger Fortestra

Duel Gundam

Duel Gundam Assault Shroud



Forbidden Gundam

Freedom Gundam

Freedom Gundam METEOR

G-Arcane Full Dress







Gaga Cannon

Gaia Gundam

Galbady Rebake


Garm Rodi



Geirail Scharfrichter


Geminass 01

Geminass 02

Gilda Standard Type


GINN (Elijah)

GINN Assault

GINN Custom (Elijah)

Ginn D-Type

Ginn Heavy Ion Cannon 'M69 Barrus Kai'

GINN High Maneuver

GINN High Maneuver Type 2

GINN Insurgent Type

Ginn Long-Range Reconnaissance Type

GN Archer

GN Armor

GN Arms





GN-X III (Colony Corporation)


Gold Sumo


Gouf Ignited


Graze Ein

Graze Ritter

Graze Stachel


GRM Gundam



Gun Barrel Dagger

Gundam Abulhool

Gundam Abulhool

Gundam Abulhool Type F

Gundam Aesculapius

Gundam AGE-1

Gundam AGE-2

Gundam AGE-3

Gundam AGE-FX Normal

Gundam Aquarius

Gundam Artemie

Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab

Gundam Astaea Type F

Gundam Astaroth

Gundam Astraea

Gundam Astray Blue Frame

Gundam Astray Blue Frame D

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Full Weapon

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Scale System

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second G Sniper Pack

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second L

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second L Lohengrin Launcher

Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revise

Gundam Astray Gold Frame

Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amaterasu

Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu

Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina

Gundam Astray Green Frame

Gundam Astray Mirage Frame

Gundam Astray Out Frame D

Gundam Astray Red Frame

Gundam Astray Red Frame "Powered Red"

Gundam Astray Red Frame Custom

Gundam Astray Red Frame Flight Unit

Gundam Astray Red Frame Red Dragon

Gundam Avalanche Exia

Gundam Bael

Gundam Barbatos

Gundam Burnlapius

Gundam Dantalion

Gundam Deathscythe

Gundam Deathscythe EW Rousette

Gundam Deathscythe Hell

Gundam Deathscythe Hell EW

Gundam Double X

Gundam Dynames

Gundam Epyon

Gundam Epyon EW

Gundam Exia

Gundam Exia Repair

Gundam Fenice Rinascita

Gundam Flauros "Ryusei-Go"

Gundam Geminass 01

Gundam Geminass 02

Gundam Griepe

Gundam Gusion

Gundam Gusion

Gundam Gusion Rebake

Gundam Harute

Gundam Heavyarms

Gundam Heavyarms Custom

Gundam Heavyarms Custom EW

Gundam Heavyarms EW Eagle

Gundam Kimaris

Gundam Kyrios

Gundam L. O. Booster

Gundam Legilis

Gundam Nadleeh

Gundam Nouvelle

Gundam Sadalsuud

Gundam Sadalsuud Type F

Gundam Sandrock

Gundam Sandrock Custom

Gundam Sandrock Custom EW

Gundam Sandrock EW Armadillo

Gundam Stargazer

Gundam Throne Drei

Gundam Throne Eins

Gundam Throne Zwei

Gundam Vidar

Gundam Virsago Chest Break

Gundam Virtue

Gundam Vual

Gundam X

Gundam X Divider

Gundam X Unit 3

Gundam Zabanya

Hakuri Rodi


Halphas Böse

Halphas Gundam



HD Mobile Worker


Helmwigew Reincar

Hloekk Graze




Hydra Gundam

Hyperion Gundam

Hyperion Gundam Unit 2

Impulse Gundam

Infinite Justice Gundam

Infinite Justice Gundam METEOR

Jagd Arche Gundam

Justice Gundam

Justice Gundam METEOR





Kapool Corin

Kerberos BuCUE Hound

Knight Superior Dragon


Landman Rodi

Legend Gundam

Leo EWAC Type

Leo Ground Type

Leo Ground Type Shoulder-Mounted Cannon

Leo Space Type

Leo Space Type (G-Unit)




Linear-Gun Tank

Lord AstrayΩ

M1 Astray

M1 Astray Shrike

M1A Astray


Man Rodi

Mars Jacket

Master Gundam

Master Phoenix


Medium ELS


Mercurius Suivant

Mercurius Suivant

Mobile Worker

Moebius Linear Gun

Moebius Nuclear Missile

Moebius Zero


New Mobile Worker

Noble Gundam


Over Flag

Perfect Strike Gundam

Phoenix Gundam

Phoenix Zero


Providence Gundam

Raider Gundam

Raphael Gundam

Reborns Gundam

Regal Lily

Regenerate Gundam



Rising Gundam


Safer Rasiel Form 1

Saviour Gundam

Schwalbe Graze


Seraphim Gundam

Seraphim Gundam GNHW/3G

Seravee Gundam

Seravee Gundam GNHW/3G


Shadow Gundam

Shenlong Gundam

Shenlong Gundam EW Liaoya




Small ELS


Star Build Strike Gundam

Strike Dagger

Strike Freedom Gundam

Strike Freedom Gundam METEOR

Strike Gundam

Strike Noir

Strike Rouge

Strike Rouge IWSP

Strike Rouge Ootori

Superbia GN-X


Sword Calamity


Tallgeese F

Tallgeese II

Tallgeese III


Taurus (OZ Prize)

Testament Gundam

Tieren All-Region Type (Sergei)

Tieren Ground Type

Tieren High Mobility Type

Tieren Long-Range Cannon Type

Tieren Space Type

Tieren Taozi

Tornado Gundam




Turn X

Union Flag

Union Flag "Flag Custom" (Celestial Being)

Union Realdo


Verde Buster


Virgo II



Wing Gundam

Wing Gundam EW

Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW

Wing Gundam Zero EW

Wing Zero Gundam

Works GINN

X Astray

Zaku Phantom

ZAKU Warrior




Character Cutins

Abram M. Ramzat

Agnes Brache

Aida Surugan

Akihiro Altland

Alejandro Corner

Ali al-Saachez

Allelujah Haptism (Movie)

Allelujah/Hallelujah Haptism

Allenby Beardsy


Amida Arca

Amy Zimbalist

Andrei Smirnov

Andrei Smirnov (Movie)

Andrew Waltfeld

Andrew Waltfeld (DESTINY)

Anew Returner


Argi Mirage

Arnold Neumann

Arnold Neumann (DESTINY)

Arthur Trine

Asagi Caldwell

Asemu Asuno

Aston Altland

Athrun Zala

Athrun Zala (DESTINY)

Atra Mixta

Auel Neider

Azalea Tze

Azee Gurumin

Bellri Zenam

Beside Pain

Billy Blaze

Biscuit Griffon


Brand Freeze

Bridge Backgrounds

Bring Stabity

Bring Stabity (00F)

Broom Brooks

Burt Heim

Cagalli Yula Athha

Cagalli Yula Athha (DESTINY)

Canard Pars

Captain Ash

Captain GG

Carris Nautilus

Carris Nautilus (Next Prologue)

Carta Issue

Chad Chadan

Chall Acustica

Chall Acustica (00P)

Chang Wufei

Chang Wufei (EW)

Chapea Cherenshi

Christina Sierra

Claire Heathrow

Clotho Buer

Cockpit Backgrounds

Code Amelias

Code Phoenix

Corin Nander

Crank Zent

Custom Characters - Female

Custom Characters - Male

Dante Mogro

Daryl Dodge

Dearka Elsman

Dearka Elsman (DESTINY)

Deira Nadira

Denebola Shahim

Derma Altland

Descartes Shaman

Domon Kasshu

Dorothy Catalonia

Duo Maxwell

Duo Maxwell (EW)

Eco Turbine

Edmond Du Clos

Edward Harrelson

Ein Dalton

Elfriede Schultz

Elijah Kiel

Ellis Claude

Ernst Jager

Eterna Freyl

Eugene Seven Stark

Feldt Grace

Feldt Grace (Movie)

Flay Allster

Flit Asuno

Flit Asuno (Kio Arc)

Florence Kirishima

Fon Spaak

Fumitan Admoss

Gaelio Bauduin

Gai Murakumo

Garrod Ran

Garrod Ran (Next Prologue)

Gianmarco Salerno

Gilbert Durandal

Goat Logan

Graham Aker (Movie)

Graham Aker/Mr. Bushido

Grave Violento

Gym Ghingham


Harry Ord


Heero Yuy

Heero Yuy (EW)

Heine Westenfluss

Hiling Care

Hixar Fermi

Howard Mason

Hush Middy

Ian Vashti

Ian Vashti (Movie)

Iok Kujan

Isurugi Camice

Ivan Ivanov

Jamil Neate

Jess Rabble

Jizil Jizin

Johann Trinity

Julieta Juris

Junas Liam

Juri Wu Nien

Juzo O'Hara

Kachua Reese

Kaite Madigan

Kati Mannequin

Kati Mannequin (Movie)

Kay Nimrod

Kazahana Azure

Kio Asuno

Kira Yamato

Kira Yamato (DESTINY)

Kisato Yamabuki

Knight Superior Dragon

Kojiro Murdoch

Kojiro Murdoch (DESTINY)

Koo Sea

Kratz Silvy

Kudal Cadel

Kudelia Aina Bernstein

La Milla Luna

Lacus Clyne

Lacus Clyne (DESTINY)

Lady Une

Lafter Frankland

Lasse Aeon

Lasse Aeon (Movie)

Ledonir Kisaka

Ledonir Kisaka (DESTINY)

Leo Sieg

Liam Garfield

Liarina Morugaton

Lichtendahl Tsery

Lockon Stratos

Lockon Stratos (2nd)

Lockon Stratos (Movie)

Loran Cehack

Loretta Azure

Louise Halevy

Lowe Guele

Lucille Aisley

Lucrezia Noin

Luna Armonia

Luna Mana

Lunamaria Hawke

Maria Owens

Marie Parfacy

Mariemaia Khushrenada

Marina Ismail

Mark Guilder


Martin DaCosta

Masahiro Altland


Master Asia

Mayura Labbatt

McGillis Fareed

Meer Campbell

Merribit Stapleton

Merrybell Gadget

Meyrin Hawke

Michael Trinity

Miguel Aiman

Mikazuki Augus

Mikhail Coast

Mileina Vashti

Mileina Vashti (Movie)

Miriallia Haw

Miriallia Haw (DESTINY)


Morgan Chevalier

Mu La Flaga

Mudie Holcroft

Murrue Ramius

Murrue Ramius (DESTINY)

Nadi Yukinojo

Nanao Narorina

Natarle Badgiruel

Naze Turbine

Nelly Olson

Nena Trinity

Neo Roanoke

Nicol Amalfi

Nikky Taylor

Norba Shino

Odel Bernett

Odin Bernett

Olba Frost

Orga Itsuka

Orga Sabnak

Patrick Colasour

Patrick Colasour (Movie)

Poe Aijee

Prayer Reverie

Preventer Wind


Quatre Raberba Winner

Quatre Rebarbara Winner (EW)

Rachel Ransom

Rain Mikamura

Ranaleau Shade

Raraiya Akuparl

Rau Le Creuset

Relena Darlian

Relile Arnile

Ressel Mizuka

Revive Revival

Rey Za Burrel

Ribbons Almark

Ride Mass

Roche Nattono

Rondo Gina Sahaku

Rondo Mina Sahaku

Rosario Leone

Rustal Elion

Sadani Almaz

Sai Argyle

Saji Crossroad

Sampo Hakuri

Sandoval Reuters

Schwarz Bruder

Selene McGriff

Sergei Smirnov

Setsuna F. Seiei

Setsuna F. Seiei (ELS Innovator)

Setsuna F. Seiei (Movie)

Shagia Frost

Shams Couza

Shani Andras

Sheld Folrey

Sherilyn Hyde

Shiho Hahnenfuss

Shinn Asuka

Sig Wednner

Silver Crown

Sochie Heim

Sol Lyne Lange

Soma Peries

Soris Armonia

Stella Loussier

Sting Oakley

Sumeragi Lee Noriega

Sumeragi Lee Noriega (Movie)

Sven Cal Bayan

Sys Mitville

Takaki Uno

Talia Gladys

Tieria Erde

Tieria Erde (Movie)

Tiffa Adill

Tolle Koenig

Trojan Noiret

Trowa Barton

Trowa Barton (EW)

Un' no

Valder Farkill


Vino Dupre

Volco Warren

Xenon Teegle

Yamagi Gilmert

Yuhana Hakuri

Yzak Joule

Yzak Joule (DESTINY)

Zadiel Zalmfort

Zaza Fossil

Zechs Merquise

Zeheart Galette

Gundam Wing Maps

Generic Colony


Luxembourg Base

Maganac Corps - Base Camp

Romefeller Foundtion - Bremen Outskirts Residence

Stage 01: The Shooting Star She Saw - Corsica Base

Stage 01: The Shooting Star She Saw - Lake Victoria Base

Stage 02: Scenario for Bloodshed - New Edwards Base

Stage 03: Heero, Distracted by Defeat - OZ Transport Convoy

Stage 03: Heero, Distracted by Defeat - Sanc Kingdom

Stage 04: The Sorrowful Battle - Barclay Base

Stage 04: The Sorrowful Battle - Singapore Spaceport Base

Stage 05: The Gundam They Called Zero - MS Development Hangar

Stage 05: The Gundam They Called Zero - OZ Lunar Base

Stage 05: The Gundam They Called Zero - Point 07U1

Stage 05: The Gundam They Called Zero - Romefeller Mobile Suit Test Site

Stage 06: Sanc Kingdom's Collapse - Sanc Kingdom Academy

Stage 08: Collision in Space - Crashed Peacemillion

Endless Waltz Maps

Stage 01: Silent Orbit - Colony X-18999

Stage 01: Silent Orbit - Inside Colony X-18999

Stage 01: Silent Orbit - MO-II

Stage 02: Return to Forever - Brussels

Stage 02: Return to Forever - MO-III

G-Unit Maps

Common Maps









Generic Ground

Heliopolis Wreckage


Minimap Icons





Gundam Seed Maps

Stage 01: Collapsing Land - Heliopolis 1

Stage 01: Collapsing Land - Heliopolis 2

Stage 05: The Land of Peace - Onogoro Island

Stage 05: The Land of Peace - Small Islands

Stage 06: The Descending Sword - Alaska - JOSH-A

Stage 07: Into the Dawn Skies - Orb

Stage 08: A Place for the Soul - Mendel Colony

Stage 09: To a Future that Never Ends - Genesis

Stage 09: To a Future that Never Ends - Yakin Due

Astray Maps

XAstray Maps

Stage 02: Dreadnought VS. Hyperion - Junk Guild Supply Station

Stage 03: X Astray - Atlantic Federation Lunar Base

00 Gundam F Maps

Fereshte Secret Earth Base

Fereshte Secret Space Base

Stage 01: Another Gundam Meister - Kingdom of Azadistan Solar Power Facility

Stage 02: Aeolia - Area 923

Stage 02: Aeolia - Lagrange 1 Resource Asteroid

Stage 03: Hixar Fermi - African Midwest

Stage 03: Hixar Fermi - Forest

Stage 04: Traitor Code A13 - Missile Base

Stage 05: The True Threat - Euclides

00 Gundam Maps


The Middle East - Kingdom of Azadistan (Day)

The Middle East - Kingdom of Azadistan (Night)

Stage 01: Angel's Advent - African Orbital Elevator 'La Tour'

Stage 01: Angel's Advent - Republic of Krugis

Stage 02: The Changing World - Republic of Moralia - Enrio Base

Stage 02: The Changing World - Republic of Taribia

Stage 04: Ever More Unified - Taklamakan Desert

Stage 05: Blade of Reformation - Guangzhou Military District

Stage 05: Blade of Reformation - MSWAD Base

Stage 05: Blade of Reformation - Northern Spain

Stage 06: Endless Poem - Trinity Retreat

Stage 07: The Angels' Second Advent - Colony Proud

Stage 08: Allelujah Rescue Operation - Earth Federation Force Anti-Government Prison

Stage 10: Light of Heaven - Kingdom of Richera Military Base

Stage 10: Light of Heaven - Kingdom of Suille Capital District

Stage 11: Within The Scattering Light - African Orbital Elevator 'La Tour'

Stage 13: For the Future - Celestial Being

Stage 13: For the Future - Celestial Being Surface

Stage 13: For the Future - Eclipse

Stargazer Maps

Stage 01: To The Skies - DSSD Development Center

Stage 01: To The Skies - Kyrgyzstan Plant

Stage 01: To The Skies - Russia - Snow Field

Destiny Maps

Plant Colonies

Stage 01: Those Who Call for War - Armory One

Stage 02: The End of the World - Junius Seven

Stage 03: Attack the Lohengrin - Lohengrin Ravine

Stage 03: Attack the Lohengrin - Mahamul Base

Stage 04: Sword of the Azure Skies - Dardanelles Strait

Stage 04: Sword of the Azure Skies - Diocuia

Stage 05: The Endless Night - Berlin

Stage 06: Operation Angel Down - Coast

Stage 06: Operation Angel Down - Outer Berlin Temporary Shelter

Stage 07: Legacy of Gold - Onogoro Island Defense Headquarters

Stage 08: Prelude to Revolution - Requiem

A Wakening of the Trailblazer Maps



Stage 01: ELS Invasion - Lagrange 3 - CPC Colony

Stage 03: Conversations to Come - Celesital Being

Game Original Maps

Stage EX02: A Challenge in the Deep

Stage EX03: 2314 OVER - ELS

Stage EX04: The Archangels of Tyranny

Stage EX05: The Story of the Resurrected Legend - The Guidance of the Golden Dragon 1

Stage EX05: The Story of the Resurrected Legend - The Guidance of the Golden Dragon 2

Stage EX05: The Story of the Resurrected Legend - The Guidance of the Golden Dragon 3

Stage Final: Awakened Legends 01

Stage Final: Awakened Legends 02

Stage Final: Awakened Legends 03

IBO Gekko Maps

IBO Maps


CGS/Tekkadan Base

CGS/Tekkadan Base 2

Gjallarhorn Orbital Bases

Stage 07: Tekkadan - Edmonton

Stage 07: Tekkadan - Forest Near Edmonton

Stage 07: Tekkadan - Gjallarhorn Base Camp

Stage 07: Tekkadan - Montag Train Line

Stage 07: Tekkadan - Snowy Forest

Stage 08: New Blood - Admoss Company Half-Metal Mine

Stage 09: Awakening Calamity - Gorge Near Chryse

Stage 09: Awakening Calamity - Tekkadan Half-Metal Mining Site

Stage 10: Lit by a Blazing Sun - Turbine Relay Station

Stage 12: Their Place - Tekkadan Base Crater


Character Profiles

Character Status Images

Gallery Icons

Group Dispatch Backgrounds


Menu Elements

Option Part Icons

Skill Icons

Stage Banner Series Backgrounds

Stage Banner Unit Art

Stage Banners

Story Art (01 / 03)

Story Art (02 / 03)

Story Art (03 / 03)

Unit Organization Icons

Unit Profiles

Unit Status Images (01 / 03)

Unit Status Images (02 / 03)

Unit Status Images (03 / 03)

Warship Profiles

Weapon Type Icons

Combat Effects

Background Objects

Beam Sabers

Beams (01 / 02)

Beams (02 / 02)

Booster Effects

Combat GUI Effects

Cut Effects

Cutin Effects

Environment Effects



Rapid Fire Gun Effects

Shield Effects


Transition Bacgrounds

Unique Weapon Effects

Map Ship Sprites

00 Gundam

00 Gundam - A Wakening of The Trailblazer

00 Gundam F

Game Category

Gundam Seed

Gundam Seed Astray

Gundam Seed Destiny

Gundam Seed Destiny Stargazeer

Gundam Seed XAstray

Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing Endless Waltz

Gundam Wing G-Unit

Iron Blooded Orphans

Iron Blooded Orphans Gekko

Map Sprites

00 Gundam

00 Gundam - A Wakening of The Trailblazer

00 Gundam F

00 Gundam I

00 Gundam P

00 Gundam V

00 Gundam V Senki

After War Gundam X

After War Gundam X Next Prolouge

Background Effects

Build Divers

Build Fighters

Common Effects

Event Effects

G Gundam

Game Category

Gundam AGE

Gundam Seed

Gundam Seed Astray

Gundam Seed Astray B

Gundam Seed Astray R

Gundam Seed Delta Astray

Gundam Seed Destiny

Gundam Seed Destiny Astray

Gundam Seed Destiny Astray B

Gundam Seed Destiny Astray Princess Of Sky

Gundam Seed Destiny Astray R

Gundam Seed Destiny MSV

Gundam Seed Destiny Stargazer

Gundam Seed Frame Astray

Gundam Seed MSV

Gundam Seed Vs Astray

Gundam Seed XAstray

Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing - Battlefield of Pacifists

Gundam Wing Endless Waltz

Gundam Wing Endless Waltz -Glory of the Losers-

Gundam Wing G-Unit

Iron Blooded Orphans

Iron Blooded Orphans Gekko

Map Menu Effects

Map Weapon Effects

Recounguista in G

SD Gundam GX

SD Gundam Side Story

Talk Sprites - After Colony

Talk Sprites - Anno Domini

Talk Sprites - Cosmic Era

Talk Sprites - Other

Talk Sprites - Post Disaster

Turn-A Gundam

Console | Genre |
PC / Computer | Strategy |
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