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Sonic Speed Simulator
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Category PC / Computer
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Sonic Speed Simulator
Sonic Speed Simulator
Event Graphics
Quest Icons
Loading Screens
Quest Screen Backgrounds
Fast Friend Icons
Console Genre Developers
PC / Computer Platformer Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Jan 27, 2025, 11:27 AM
Note: Bluestacks + Ninja Ripper method actually degrades image quality, meaning a lot of my older rips are not native quality. Unfortunately, I can't re-rip these graphics uinless they're either still readily available in the current update, are used again for a future update, or I figure out their asset ID.
Jan 1, 2025, 5:44 AM
i have a suggestion for you to rip some sprites from roblox. and the game is called Pillar chase 2.
Oct 30, 2024, 12:51 PM
Yeah, I might give up on this. The asset library pages are now redirecting to Creator Hub pages, which take longer to load and often result in a 404 error even when they're actually there, requiring many refreshes to actually see the asset.
Sep 8, 2024, 7:28 PM *
That is indeed helpful, I just wish I could get the URLs too...

By the way, don't attempt to rip from this game if you care about upcoming updates being a surprise. I can confirm that a character they teased on Twitter indeed has an icon in the latest sprite sheet.
Sep 2, 2024, 3:26 PM
Bad news: while it's possible to view assets that aren't currently in the game if you have the correct URL, some (not all) old assets, mostly pre-Sonic Shock, are set to private. I discovered this searching the Wayback Machine's archived URLs under www.roblox.com/library/. For example, if you remove the snapshot URL from this:
it becomes this:
Aug 4, 2024, 8:59 PM
Just found this program called BloxDump, it takes all currently loaded assets and dumps them on your computer, meaning you no longer need .dds files and Bluestacks. Idk if it fully works tho cuz i havent tried actually ripping stuff yet
Jun 17, 2024, 11:13 AM
By the way, if anyone is willing to help, that'd be great. You can use Bluestacks and Ninja Ripper as previously mentioned, but if you know the asset ID (you can catch them in real time using Roblox's built-in memory monitor -- if you're fast enough -- also as previously mentioned), you can get them using any Internet browser. I'm particularly interested in ripping assets that were used in events that have ended, like the latest April Fools event, which only lasted a day (and I totally missed it), as well as anything from the original legacy version of the game. The "Reborn" logo from the title screen of the post-wipe's first few updates is also lost. I'm working on archiving the actual URLs of the assets I can find. I might start a thread over in Project Organization, if anyone's interested.
Jun 9, 2024, 11:43 AM
Apparently only if they're professionally-produced. This one was made under official license from SEGA.
Jun 9, 2024, 10:15 AM
Rips of ROBLOX games are also allowed on TSR?!
Apr 23, 2024, 7:28 AM *
can't seem to use ninjaripper on the roblox client nor bluestacks, pressing the hotkey for ripping textures just does nothing and when doing it after clicking on the top of the window rips bluestacks assets
Edit: yes lets go i found out how to do it
Apr 23, 2024, 1:19 AM
you go to memory and i scroll down to "graphicsTexture", and i put in the IDs of the graphics into a link from a decal. it's the only way im aware of
the link i put in the ids is https://www.roblox.com/library/IdHere/anything-can-be-put-here
Apr 22, 2024, 4:55 PM *
I was unaware of that, I’ll take a look.

How do you use the console to get assets?
Apr 22, 2024, 1:29 PM
also you can use f9 or /console to rip assets but ninja ripper sounds like a good alternitave
Apr 22, 2024, 6:56 AM *
this is allowed on here?
if this is allowed i might rip some stuff
Edit: just realized, this is considered offical content cuz made by sega/gamefam
Apr 18, 2024, 9:13 AM
@ Rayman95Fan
Ripping this isn’t that simple. It’s run via a server; all you have direct access to is the Roblox Player itself. I don’t think the assets are ever put on your computer in even a temp folder. The Windows Roblox Player also has an anti-cheat algorithm that doesn’t let you monitor the connection or assets. I had to run the Android version via Bluestacks and use Ninja Ripper on that.
Apr 17, 2024, 2:46 PM
took rhis long to get speed simulator sprites? we should get models next
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