# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia


Aurica Nestmile

Aurica Nestmile (Bubble Passion)

Aurica Nestmile (Ceremony)

Aurica Nestmile (Child)

Aurica Nestmile (Don Leon)

Aurica Nestmile (Holy Guardian)

Aurica Nestmile (Lilim)

Aurica Nestmile (Marlone)

Aurica Nestmile (School Days)

Aurica Nestmile (Seraph)

Aurica Nestmile (Skuwat)

Ayatane Michitaka

Claire Branch

Flute Ross Loria

Jack Hamilton

Jack Hamilton (Past)

Krusche Elendia

Leard Barsett

Lyner Barsett

Lyner Barsett (Child)

Lyra Ross Reitel

Misha Arsellec Lune

Misha Arsellec Lune (Child, Elfir)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Child, Magical Flower)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Child, Sheep Sweets)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Child)

Misha Arsellec Lune (China Dress)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Kasha)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Sailor Girl)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Shinobi)

Misha Arsellec Lune (White Kimono)

Misha Arsellec Lune (Y07)

Radolf Schnaizen


Shurelia (Armored)

Shurelia (Colorful Breeze)

Tastiella Lu


Console | Genre |
PlayStation 2 | Turn-Based RPG |
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