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Capcom vs. SNK 2
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Capcom vs. SNK 2
Capcom vs. SNK 2
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Oct 19, 2024, 4:14 PM
@arc1angel2: Already answered earlier. Quoting myself from almost a decade ago:

"Apparently the sprites themselves are that way... Knowing Capcom and how they had in-game scaling for Marvel vs. Capcom 2's sprites, they probably fixed the size in-game."
Oct 19, 2024, 4:08 PM
cammy sheet look squished. character look deformed, Please confirm or correct !
Nov 29, 2023, 7:03 AM
Most people seem to prefer Marvel vs Capcom over Capcom vs SNK, but I honestly think I like the latter more!
Aug 2, 2023, 12:39 PM *
If they couldn't resprite all the characters, I think drawing the new characters in the SFA style could've been a better option for this series, this way all the characters would've looked consistent, and if they wanted to, they could've resprited some of the most aged sprites so they had a more modern look, like what they did with Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Chun-li and Bison but maintaining the SFA style. Maki, Eagle and Yun wouldn't have ended up looking out of place in Alpha 3 Max if this happened
Jan 11, 2023, 1:28 PM *
Just FYI, Insanius uploaded the zip files. I made the sheets. Each one took about 8 -15 hours to make, depending on how many sprites were included.
Aug 28, 2022, 8:06 AM
To the guy that’s recoloring the backgrounds, nice job but can you use a shade of light gray/green from now on? That hot pink is kinda hard on the eyes x_x
Aug 25, 2022, 1:31 AM
...and also, those zipped sprites forgot about color palletes too.
Aug 24, 2022, 9:15 PM
If the sprites are stretched like that in the game's files, then they should be left as-is instead of being fixed. Or have both fixed and unfixed at the very least, don't just remove the originals.
Aug 24, 2022, 8:06 PM *
Most of Capcom characters' Sprites are stretched or flatted. Can't wait to see those Zipped Sprites to be fixed, especially Dan Hibiki.
Apr 7, 2022, 7:54 AM
@Mr. L Claw, Boxer, and Blanka have recycled sprites i think, might just be how Capcom formatted their sprites in this game
Dec 2, 2021, 5:51 AM
Dan is super stretched but he's not a recycled sprite. -_-
Nov 14, 2021, 6:10 AM
@Dolphman I can see why they chose Kyosuke over Batsu since they probably thought there were too many shotoclones in the roster. EVERY SF and KOF shotoclone at the time (except for Robert, K', Kula, the Kyo clones, Sean, and Arika's shotos) as well as Haohmaru and Morrigan made it in the roster. I agree with Morrigan's sprites being out of place and the lack of Metal Slug and Mega Man characters being kinda pathetic though.
Jun 18, 2021, 11:48 AM
This and Alpha 3 are my favorites fighting games. The only thing I don't like about this is the small amount of stages.
Feb 4, 2021, 5:47 AM
@Dolphman The problem with choosing the roster for SNK is that they don't really have a lot of franchises to pick from compared to Capcom, and most of them (aka Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, Psycho Soldier, and Ikari Warriors) are already represented under KOF. That said, it is still a shame that Capcom didn't really pay much attention to its own characters for the CVS line.
Jan 11, 2021, 10:02 PM
On another note. It's really sad when the MUGEN community can do better than Capcom for this game. There's a really good CVS2 Morrigan out there with custom sprites that are more consistent with the game's. The same guy made a Lilith as well.
There's also a CVS2 Felicia. Unlike Morrigan, her sprites actually blended in better and all she needed was fixes and minor extra palette. Can't recall if anyone made a Demitri or not but I have seen WIP sprites for him before years ago.
As for Street Fighter, we seriously need a custom SFA or CVS Cammy that's based on her Delta Red clothing.
(Not a fan of the Shadaloo Doll uniform. XP)
Jan 11, 2021, 9:44 PM
On that subject, couple days ago I had a dream with Darkstalkers in a Dynasty Warriors style. Capcom really ought to consider partnering with Koei Tecmo for something like that....
Jan 11, 2021, 8:52 PM *
@SmashingStar64 That has been a major criticism with the CVS series since the firts game. Morrigan being the only representative for Darkstalkers is unforgivable, considering that Felica and Hsien-Ko share the face of the brand status with her. As for Rival Schools, it's ridiculous how they chose the least popular character for this game. (Batsu and especially Akira are more popular)
The lack of Mega Man characters is also lame. (Him, Roll, Zero, and Tron Bonne could've easily been part of this)
SNK's roster is a bit better but still lacking. Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting take up the majority of the roster with only three Samurai Shodown characters. And Athena representing herself as she's the descendant of warrior princess of the same name and is the actual mascot for SNK in general. They could've easily put in Metal Slug characters in there along with Ikari Warriors.
Jan 11, 2021, 4:35 PM
anybody else kinda miffed about how the Capcom side of these rosters tend to be so Street Fighter heavy, like i get that Street Fighter Vs. King Of Fighters is a big thing but the only Capcom character who isn't related to SF at all is Morrigan and even then her Sprite is old as hell (Rival Schools and Final Fight take place in the SF Universe)
Sep 17, 2018, 8:20 PM
You can never have too many Mais. Unless you're Andy :P
Sep 17, 2018, 6:34 PM
@Corey:LSSJGamer: No idea. There were only two different, mis-assembled sprites for the latter being the only difference, so I've merged the two.
Sep 17, 2018, 5:48 PM
Why are there 2 Mais
Dec 17, 2015, 5:23 AM
Yeesh. Go, Capcom.
Dec 17, 2015, 4:12 AM
Apparently the sprites themselves are that way... Knowing Capcom and how they had in-game scaling for Marvel vs. Capcom 2's sprites, they probably fixed the size in-game.

...they're also all of characters that have recycled sprites, surely that could have something to do with it. :V
Dec 17, 2015, 3:48 AM
Why are some of these icons so stretched?
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