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Aquatic Enemies
Category SNES
Submitters Fabio, Mattress87, Tonberry2k
Size 86.30 KB (550x1100)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 13,910
Comments 2

Aquatic Enemies
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Nov 17, 2022, 10:46 AM
PufTup was originally going to be an enemy in the first DKC, but it was later cut from the game. Still, its sprites can be found in the ROM
May 16, 2022, 12:56 AM *
Is it true that the Puftup behaviors have subtley different colors when swollen?
(Also I think the pink Shuri may need re-ripped since it looks like ambient darkness was ripped with it.)
EDIT: Took some screenshots from Glimmer's Galleon and aye they do.
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Note that due to being water-filtered and then Glimmer-filtered, these are similar to the raw colors, but not quite.
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