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Bowser Castle 2
Category SNES
Submitter Sunny Cassette
Size 38.09 KB (1024x1024)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 7,967
Comments 3

Bowser Castle 2
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Dec 22, 2024, 12:33 PM
Don't get me wrong, by modern Bowser Castle standards, this is definitely one of the weaker ones, but I genuinely don't understand why this track is panned as one of the worst tracks ever created. Seriously, I personally feel like this track gets WAY more hate than it actually deserves. Sure, the dead end is dumb, but it doesn't kill the track because it's easily avoidable.

SNES Bowser Castle 1 is worse because it's boring, very repetitive, and the Thwomps are placed with little to no purpose. SNES Bowser Castle 2, by comparison, has a much more interesting layout, and the Thwomps are actually placed with purpose. Overall, I don't hate this track nearly as much as other people do, and I actually consider it one of the better tracks in Super Mario Kart.
Jul 30, 2024, 8:56 AM
@Exo It's also a feather shortcut.
Jul 30, 2024, 4:05 AM
The fact that this track had the AUDACITY to have a dead end. Just goes to show how hard this game was.
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