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Venom Surface
Category SNES
Submitter iteachvader
Size 14.28 KB (1024x512)
Format PNG (image/png)
Hits 7,562
Comments 3

Venom Surface
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Nov 8, 2024, 11:11 AM
I remember seeing screenshots of this stage in magazines promoting the game (before the cancellation), but I do remember reading that the planet Venom was being restored and terraformed from the polluted wasteland it was in the first game.
Jul 28, 2024, 5:04 PM
This is one of the stages that was used in 1994 using this background. Which I saw in one gameplay of the 1994 build of April, this background has a transformation onto a dark purple bone wasteland, think putting that one in the backgrounds section?
Jun 30, 2017, 9:26 PM
That one unused stage that takes place in a neighborhood using this background. Which I believe that neighborhood is suppose to take place in Corneria, since Corneria is their own version of Earth right?
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