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Super Mario Bros. 3
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Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
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NES Platformer Developer coming soon!
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Mar 10, 2025, 1:11 PM
happy mario day btw
Mar 10, 2025, 1:11 PM
but it had the opportunity to have more content without all these unused sprites
and some of the levels should have been removed so a password system or save system could've been added
Mar 10, 2025, 12:36 PM
i always thought this game was a bit overrated but still a classic
Feb 6, 2025, 7:41 AM
I think that's everything in the game ripped and re-ripped, discounting the level maps which I don't particularly feel like ripping.
Jan 7, 2025, 10:20 PM
The palette scrolling thing (where since tiles scroll every 8 pixels while palettes scroll every 16 pixels) is extra fun on the World 5 Tower level on the midpoint outside area.
Jan 7, 2025, 5:19 PM
@thejohnston7 Yeah, the glitchy looking scrolling is really bothersome. It's why it's easier to recommend the All-Stars version unless you can adapt to the limitations. Some NES games are basically a glitchfest that may contain a game (and why not really into the console). There are far worse looking NES games than SMB3, both technical and art style. Even Konami who normally have some decent programming made Formula 1 Sensation and honestly... shouldn't have been on the NES because of the sprite flicker and graphical glitches really affecting the gameplay.

To defend SMB3 though, it did originally come out in 1988 and had to have some creative mapper programming skills pushing the NES. NES was getting fairly old at this point and would have been older if not for the Mapper technology extending its life (more so in JP Famicom where even FM sound chips were included in games). Of course something like Kirby's Adventure is a technical achievement but that's down to having Iwata involved who had been programming on the same processor family as far back as early C64, maybe even VIC-20.

Oh and apparently SMB3 was originally going to be an isometric game but honestly... the final product is better as isometric games tend to be much slower paced.
Jan 7, 2025, 3:42 PM
This game has waaay too many technical inefficiencies and unused graphics.
Dec 15, 2024, 11:00 AM
Phenomenal work with the new map tiles!
Dec 6, 2024, 9:40 AM
whoa world maps
Nov 27, 2024, 1:54 PM
@thejohnston I have one in the works that will probably do better. I have been actively working on re-ripping a large amount of what's here.
Nov 20, 2024, 2:58 PM
i know this might not be allowed but, where are the unused koopa and hammer bro hosts?
edit: Found 'em
Oct 24, 2024, 3:30 PM
@HylianFox Hard to tell since many of the early rips are lost.

This plus its SNES/GBA remakes, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World and the first 3 MD Sonic games (technically 4 but people class 3&K as one game) had two decades worth of rips and re-rips, more if you count outside of tSR. Some of the other Sonic games also had plenty of rips and re-rips along the way. Something tells me that the Mega Man series, Pokémon series, Final Fantasy 6, Super Mario RPG and even the Mario & Luigi series had quite a fair few re-rips due to the popularity in the early days.
Oct 24, 2024, 2:39 PM
@HylianFox As many times as ripping technology has updated.
Oct 24, 2024, 1:49 PM
geez, how many times has this game been ripped now?
Oct 23, 2024, 2:20 PM *
Going through and correcting issues I see on these, as well as re-ripping with the NEStopia colors since many of these were ripped on ancient emulators or unaltered FCEUX. (You can change the palette data on FCEUX to use the NEStopia colors, actually, very helpful.)
May 5, 2024, 4:47 PM
I want to see if my local game store still has a copy of this game but it might be Too Late...
A replay of this game for me is Overdue.
Jan 2, 2024, 9:08 AM
How does this run in a MONTH without burning out?
Jul 24, 2023, 3:29 AM
I like the "world map tileset" icon of level tiles spelling out "TSR" ⑆
Jan 21, 2023, 7:02 AM
They actually added 3-1
Dec 10, 2022, 4:00 PM
@SprSn No no. It's an actual thing in the game.
[Treasure Ship's wiki page]
Dec 10, 2022, 2:02 PM
i remember the first hammer bro being replace with a boat that when you touch, brings you to a level with a bunch of coins
could be just me, or maybe this is a rare occurrence, or my Mario Bros 3 copy is personalized
Jun 23, 2022, 2:26 PM
@thejohnston7: This game uses 8x16 sprites if you mean assembled, but the whole tileset and tilemap is 8x8 for some reason.
Apr 16, 2022, 10:59 AM
Does this game use 8x8 or 8x16 sprites?
Sep 10, 2021, 7:24 AM *
Man, I love this game! It’s probably one of my favorite Mario games!
Jul 17, 2021, 8:44 AM
the best game of mario for nes
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