Submitter Stats: A_Paint_Bucket_Named_Huey All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 75
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Genre (by Games) Turn-Based RPG (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Turn-Based RPG (75 sheets)
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1 Touhou LostWord Cirno 7,842 hits
2 Touhou LostWord Alice Margatroid 7,011 hits
3 Touhou LostWord Flandre Scarlet 7,003 hits
4 Touhou LostWord Sakuya Izayoi 6,533 hits
5 Touhou LostWord Reisen Udongein Inaba 5,986 hits
6 Touhou LostWord Aya Shameimaru 5,424 hits
7 Touhou LostWord Patchouli Knowledge 5,398 hits
8 Touhou LostWord Youmu Konpaku 5,393 hits
9 Touhou LostWord Kanako Yasaka 5,328 hits
10 Touhou LostWord Remilia Scarlet 5,305 hits
Turn-Based RPG Sheets
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