Submitter Stats: Cerdiablo All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 14
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) PlayStation (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) PlayStation (14 sheets)
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1 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Golden Crab 816 hits
2 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Crystals 745 hits
3 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Foods 730 hits
4 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Cogs, Keys and Golden Items 693 hits
5 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Healing Items 638 hits
6 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Bells and Fruits 636 hits
7 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Weapons 590 hits
8 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Rare Collection 585 hits
9 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Tomba 1 Event Items 526 hits
10 Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Pants and Suits 512 hits
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