Submitter Stats: Clowcardruler All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 131
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) DS / DSi (131 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contribution
Most Popular Sheets
1 Pokémon Black / White #157 Typhlosion 18,722 hits
2 Pokémon Black / White #493 Arceus 12,819 hits
3 Pokémon Black / White #026 Raichu (male) 11,367 hits
4 Pokémon Black / White #587 Emolga 10,937 hits
5 Pokémon Black / White #648 Meloetta (Aria Forme) 10,537 hits
6 Pokémon Black / White #026 Raichu (female) 9,724 hits
7 Pokémon Black / White #201 Unown 9,722 hits
8 Pokémon Black / White #038 Ninetales 9,574 hits
9 Pokémon Black / White #037 Vulpix 9,526 hits
10 Pokémon Black / White #245 Suicune 9,219 hits
DS / DSi Sheets
#010 Caterpie
#010 Caterpie
#011 Metapod
#011 Metapod
#012 Butterfree (female)
#012 Butterfree (female)
#012 Butterfree (male)
#012 Butterfree (male)
#026 Raichu (female)
#026 Raichu (female)
#026 Raichu (male)
#026 Raichu (male)
#037 Vulpix
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#038 Ninetales
#046 Paras
#046 Paras
#047 Parasect
#047 Parasect
#050 Diglett
#050 Diglett
#051 Dugtrio
#051 Dugtrio
#066 Machop
#066 Machop
#067 Machoke
#067 Machoke
#070 Weepinbell
#070 Weepinbell
#071 Victreebel
#071 Victreebel
#072 Tentacool
#072 Tentacool
#073 Tentacruel
#073 Tentacruel
#077 Ponyta
#077 Ponyta
#081 Magnemite
#081 Magnemite
#082 Magneton
#082 Magneton
#089 Muk
#089 Muk
#100 Voltorb
#100 Voltorb
#101 Electrode
#101 Electrode
#138 Omanyte
#138 Omanyte
#139 Omastar
#139 Omastar
#140 Kabuto
#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops
#141 Kabutops
#156 Quilava
#156 Quilava
#157 Typhlosion
#157 Typhlosion
#165 Ledyba (male)
#165 Ledyba (male)
#166 Ledian (male)
#166 Ledian (male)
#170 Chinchou
#170 Chinchou
#177 Natu
#177 Natu
#178 Xatu (female)
#178 Xatu (female)
#178 Xatu (male)
#178 Xatu (male)
#179 Mareep
#179 Mareep
#180 Flaaffy
#180 Flaaffy
#181 Ampharos
#181 Ampharos
#185 Sudowoodo (female)
#185 Sudowoodo (female)
#185 Sudowoodo (male)
#185 Sudowoodo (male)
#191 Sunkern
#191 Sunkern
#193 Yanma
#193 Yanma
#194 Wooper (Female)
#194 Wooper (Female)
#194 Wooper (Male)
#194 Wooper (Male)
#195 Quagsire (Female)
#195 Quagsire (Female)
#195 Quagsire (Male)
#195 Quagsire (Male)
#198 Murkrow (Female)
#198 Murkrow (Female)
#198 Murkrow (Male)
#198 Murkrow (Male)
#199 Slowking
#199 Slowking
#201 Unown
#201 Unown
#204 Pineco
#204 Pineco
#205 Forretress
#205 Forretress
#209 Snubbull
#209 Snubbull
#210 Granbull
#210 Granbull
#211 Qwilfish
#211 Qwilfish
#213 Shuckle
#213 Shuckle
#222 Corsola
#222 Corsola
#223 Remoraid
#223 Remoraid
#225 Delibird
#225 Delibird
#226 Mantine
#226 Mantine
#227 Skarmory
#227 Skarmory
#230 Kingdra
#230 Kingdra
#234 Stantler
#234 Stantler
#235 Smeargle
#235 Smeargle
#243 Raikou
#243 Raikou
#244 Entei
#244 Entei
#245 Suicune
#245 Suicune
#281 Kirlia
#281 Kirlia
#311 Plusle
#311 Plusle
#312 Minun
#312 Minun
#313 Volbeat
#313 Volbeat
#314 Illumise
#314 Illumise
#325 Spoink
#325 Spoink
#327 Spinda
#327 Spinda
#337 Lunatone
#337 Lunatone
#338 Solrock
#338 Solrock
#343 Baltoy
#343 Baltoy
#344 Claydol
#344 Claydol
#349 Feebas
#349 Feebas
#350 Milotic (female)
#350 Milotic (female)
#350 Milotic (male)
#350 Milotic (male)
#377 Regirock
#377 Regirock
#379 Registeel
#379 Registeel
#386 Deoxys (Attack)
#386 Deoxys (Attack)
#412 Burmy (Plant)
#412 Burmy (Plant)
#412 Burmy (Sandy)
#412 Burmy (Sandy)
#412 Burmy (Trash)
#412 Burmy (Trash)
#413 Wormadam (Plant)
#413 Wormadam (Plant)
#413 Wormadam (Sandy)
#413 Wormadam (Sandy)
#413 Wormadam (Trash)
#413 Wormadam (Trash)
#414 Mothim
#414 Mothim
#415 Combee (female)
#415 Combee (female)
#415 Combee (male)
#415 Combee (male)
#416 Vespiquen
#416 Vespiquen
#420 Cherubi
#420 Cherubi
#421 Cherrim (Overcast)
#421 Cherrim (Overcast)
#421 Cherrim (Sunshine)
#421 Cherrim (Sunshine)
#442 Spiritomb
#442 Spiritomb
#470 Leafeon
#470 Leafeon
#475 Gallade
#475 Gallade
#476 Probopass
#476 Probopass
#479 Rotom
#479 Rotom
#480 Uxie
#480 Uxie
#481 Mesprit
#481 Mesprit
#485 Heatran
#485 Heatran
#486 Regigigas
#486 Regigigas
#488 Cresselia
#488 Cresselia
#489 Phione
#489 Phione
#490 Manaphy
#490 Manaphy
#493 Arceus
#493 Arceus
#546 Cottonee
#546 Cottonee
#547 Whimsicott
#547 Whimsicott
#562 Yamask
#562 Yamask
#587 Emolga
#587 Emolga
#593 Jellicent (female)
#593 Jellicent (female)
#593 Jellicent (male)
#593 Jellicent (male)
#597 Ferroseed
#597 Ferroseed
#599 Klink
#599 Klink
#600 Klang
#600 Klang
#601 Klinklang
#601 Klinklang
#605 Elgyem
#605 Elgyem
#606 Beheeyem
#606 Beheeyem
#615 Cryogonal
#615 Cryogonal
#618 Stunfisk
#618 Stunfisk
#632 Durant
#632 Durant
#641 Tornadus
#641 Tornadus
#642 Thundurus
#642 Thundurus
#645 Landorus
#645 Landorus
#648 Meloetta (Aria Forme)
#648 Meloetta (Aria Forme)
#648 Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
#648 Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
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