Submitter Stats: DaColGy All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 30
Games Submitted To 10
Largest Genre (by Games) Adventure (7 games)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Adventure (19 sheets)
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(7 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
(1 NSFW sheet not included)
1 Undertale Battle Menu 133,070 hits
2 Undertale NPCs / Monster Overworlds 114,526 hits
3 Undertale True Pacifist Ending 60,604 hits
4 Undertale Punchcard 40,281 hits
5 DOOM / DOOM II Projectiles and Effects 39,048 hits
6 Undertale Monsters (Hotland) 36,703 hits
7 Undertale The Dump (Date) 31,859 hits
8 Undertale Controller Buttons 22,182 hits
9 DOOM / DOOM II Intermission Screen Elements 18,030 hits
10 Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (EGA) Roger Wilco 9,846 hits
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