Submitter Stats: Faizal786sunny All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 15
Games Submitted To 5
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (4 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) PC / Computer (14 sheets)
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1 LISA: The Pointless Infinity Franchises 10,116 hits
2 LISA: The Pointless Arnold Shpitz 6,724 hits
3 LISA: The Pointless Central Powers 6,055 hits
4 LISA: The Pointless Garbage Island Residents 5,222 hits
5 LISA: The Pointless Alex's first flashback NPCs 4,883 hits
6 OFF Animals 4,617 hits
7 LISA: The Pointless Georgy Hernandez 4,216 hits
8 LISA: The Pointless Neon Flamingos 4,116 hits
9 LISA: The Pointless Daniel Grinder's Cave of Infinite Testament 3,920 hits
10 LISA: The Pointless Roland Von Buckingham 3,476 hits
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