Submitter Stats: FallenLogic All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 16
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Genre (by Games) Action-Adventure (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Platformer (15 sheets)
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1 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Story Backgrounds 7,347 hits
2 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Main Menu Backdrop 6,080 hits
3 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle 2P Menu Textures 5,217 hits
4 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Dark Story Mode Snapshots 4,987 hits
5 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Hero Story Mode Snapshots 4,889 hits
6 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Boss Attack Menu 4,831 hits
7 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Particle Effects 4,459 hits
8 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Default Theme 4,267 hits
9 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle 2P Stage Select 4,200 hits
10 Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Chao Area Titles 4,087 hits
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