Submitter Stats: GTK All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 12
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) Game Boy / GBC (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) WonderSwan / WSC (8 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Digimon Anode
Digimon Anode

(8 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Digimon Anode Rookie Digimon 20,676 hits
2 Digimon Anode Ultimate and Mega Digimon 20,179 hits
3 Digimon Anode Champion Digimon (Data Type) 19,882 hits
4 Digimon Anode Champion Digimon (Vaccine Type) 18,951 hits
5 Digimon Anode In-Training Digimon 13,559 hits
6 Digimon Anode Fresh Digimon 12,661 hits
7 Resident Evil Gaiden Big Icons 12,040 hits
8 Resident Evil Gaiden Small Icons 11,701 hits
9 Resident Evil Gaiden Miscellaneous 11,098 hits
10 Digimon Anode Scenes 9,207 hits
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