Submitter Stats: GlacialSiren484 All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 13
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Genre (by Games) Customs (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Customs (13 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contribution
Mario Customs
Mario Customs

(13 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Mario Customs Mario, Luigi, Toad & Toadette (SMW-Style, Expanded) 34,303 hits
2 Mario Customs Mario, Luigi, Toad & Toadette (SMB3, SML1/2 Power-Ups) (SMW-Style) 28,030 hits
3 Mario Customs Mario, Luigi, Toad & Toadette (NSMB Series Power-Ups, SMW-Style) 23,261 hits
4 Mario Customs Mario & Luigi (SMM2 SMB3-Style) 15,579 hits
5 Mario Customs Mario, Luigi, Toad and Toadette (SMB1, SMB3, SMW, SMAS-Style, Expanded) 15,557 hits
6 Mario Customs Luigi (SMM2 SNES/GBA SMB3-Style) 10,895 hits
7 Mario Customs Toad (Super Mario Bros. 3 SNES/GBA-Style) 10,456 hits
8 Mario Customs Peach (Super Mario World-Style) 9,134 hits
9 Mario Customs Toad (SMM2 SMB3-Style) 8,409 hits
10 Mario Customs Toad (Super Mario World Overworld-Style) 4,813 hits
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