Submitter Stats: Ken28 All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 31
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) PlayStation 2 (2 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) PSP (16 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Persona 4
Persona 4

(11 sheets)
Persona 3
Persona 3

(4 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Persona 4 Tohru Adachi 54,887 hits
2 Persona 4 Yosuke Hanamura 41,130 hits
3 Persona 4 Naoto Shirogane 35,557 hits
4 Persona 4 Chie Satonaka 35,374 hits
5 Persona 4 Rise Kujikawa 32,313 hits
6 Persona 4 Yukiko Amagi 30,981 hits
7 Persona 4 Teddie 27,538 hits
8 Persona 4 Kanji Tatsumi 23,598 hits
9 Persona 4 Ryotaro Dojima 19,165 hits
10 Persona 4 Nanako Dojima 17,500 hits
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