Submitter Stats: Lariotleg All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 40
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sheets) CD-i (20 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario

(20 sheets)

(8 sheets)
Most Popular Sheets
1 Plants vs. Zombies Zombie 20,872 hits
2 Hotel Mario Hotel 1: Intro 11,977 hits
3 Hotel Mario World Map 11,014 hits
4 Mari0 Mario (Portal Gun) 10,868 hits
5 Hotel Mario Hotel 1: Morton's WoodDoor-Hysteria Hotel 10,211 hits
6 Plants vs. Zombies Buckethead Zombie 9,641 hits
7 Plants vs. Zombies Conehead Zombie 8,725 hits
8 Mari0 Mario (Minecraft) 8,167 hits
9 Plants vs. Zombies Zomboni 6,485 hits
10 Plants vs. Zombies Jack-in-the-Box Zombie 6,327 hits
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