Submitter Stats: Lilithtreasure All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 70
Games Submitted To 19
Largest Console (by Games) NEC PC-9801 (5 games)
Largest Console (by Sheets) NEC PC-9801 (50 sheets)
View By Console | Genre
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1 Final Fantasy 2 (JPN) Heroes (Overworld) 22,465 hits
2 Touhou Fuumaroku (the Story of Eastern Wonderland) Ending Screens 12,316 hits
3 Touhou Yumejikuu (Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream) Menu Screens and Endings 11,309 hits
4 Touhou Yumejikuu (Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream) Portraits 8,616 hits
5 Touhou Fuumaroku (the Story of Eastern Wonderland) Mima 7,227 hits
6 Tetris (JPN) Tetriminos 6,841 hits
7 Touhou Fuumaroku (the Story of Eastern Wonderland) Marisa Kirisame 6,758 hits
8 Touhou Fuumaroku (the Story of Eastern Wonderland) Enemies 6,417 hits
9 Touhou Fuumaroku (the Story of Eastern Wonderland) Evil Eye Σ 6,131 hits
10 Touhou Kaikidan (Mystic Square) Menu Screens and Endings 5,938 hits
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