Submitter Stats: MegamanEXE95 All Comments on Sheets RSS Feed
Sheets Submitted 97
Games Submitted To 9
Largest Genre (by Games) Horror (4 games)
Largest Genre (by Sheets) Horror (78 sheets)
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1 Clock Tower (JPN) Specific Rooms 27,783 hits
2 Clock Tower (JPN) Jennifer Simpson 23,550 hits
3 Clock Tower (JPN) Cutscenes 22,524 hits
4 Clock Tower (JPN) Hallways 18,042 hits
5 Clock Tower (JPN) Bobby Barrows 17,260 hits
6 Clock Tower: The First Fear (JPN) Cutscenes 16,526 hits
7 Clock Tower (JPN) Ms. Mary 16,432 hits
8 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Konami) Utrom Shredder 15,839 hits
9 Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Dogs 15,464 hits
10 Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Lucy 15,399 hits
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