Submitter Stats: MexicanAngryBirb | |
Sheets Submitted | 12 |
Games Submitted To | 2 |
Largest Console (by Games) | Mobile (1 game) |
Largest Console (by Sheets) | Browser Games (11 sheets) |
View By | Console | Genre |
Biggest Contributions |
Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio
(11 sheets)
Angry Birds Seasons
(1 sheet) |
Most Popular Sheets | |||
1 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Birds | 645 hits |
2 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Ads | 394 hits |
3 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Pigs | 352 hits |
4 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Leftover Google+ Sprites | 340 hits |
5 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Background | 320 hits |
6 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Credit and Title Elements | 296 hits |
7 | Angry Birds Seasons | Mighty Dragon | 257 hits |
8 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Slingshot | 246 hits |
9 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | General Pop-ups | 231 hits |
10 | Angry Birds in The Hunt For The Golden Pistachio | Ground | 204 hits |
Browser Games Sheets
Credit and Title Elements
General Pop-ups
Leftover Google+ Sprites
Level Selection
Level Victory
Mobile Sheets